Covid Mask

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A/N: This was a request from @kaitlyngoodekoolkat. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it!

The pandemic was finally over and now people weren't obligated to wear masks anymore

However, some people felt more comfortable wearing masks even after the pandemic, people like yourself

You were currently at the grocery store to get some snacks

You were comfortably wearing a pair of sweats with your Dolan Twins hoodie and a mask that you designed with the theme of the Dolan Twins

A mask with the peace and hand sign that you had designs to fit in the merch items they had before they came up with the positive merch style

You were currently in the chips aisle, looking into what chips to get for your movie night, while getting stares from people who decided not to wear their mask anymore

"You too huh?" Someone spoke behind you, startling you a bit

"Oh, sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you" spoke up the man you had turned to

He was also wearing a mask, his eyes a hazel like brown with a hint of green in them, with his hair a brown color

You could've sworn you've known him from somewhere

"That's alright" you said as you straightened your posture

"Umm, I noticed you are wearing a mask" he spoke almost shyly

"Oh, yea, I just feel more comfortable with it on"

"Me too, but everywhere I go, I get stares, well I get stares without the mask too, but that's beside the point"

"My name's Y/N" you said as you extended your hand out to shake his

"Oh, sorry about that, my name is Grayson" he said as he shook your hand

"You have the same name as one of the Dolan Twins" you mentioned as you and him started to walk around the store casually

"Oh you like the Dolan Twins?"

"I love them! I'm wearing their merch right now!" You said, pointing to your hoodie, "and I made a mask that's based off of them too" you said and pointed to your mask

"Oh wow, that's impressive, do you have a favorite then?"

"Of course, but don't tell them that if you ever see them" you whispered playfully, making him chuckle, "do you have a favorite?" You asked

"I think Ethan is pretty cool, Grayson seems like a douche, it's a shame to share a name with someone like him"

"But Grayson is amazing!" You exclaimed, "he's literally the perfect guy, he wakes up early to workout, he cooks, does the dishes, does the laundry, has a great fashion style and his voice is literally so amazing, I fall asleep listening to the podcast, but usually to the sound of his voice, it's so soothing...kind of like yours"

"Safe to say he's your favorite then?"

"Most definitely" you nodded your head

"...would you maybe want to hangout sometime then?" he said as he took off his mask and revealed himself

The one and only Grayson Bailey Dolan was standing in front of you

Your jaw dropped at the sight before you

"I-I umm, uh...hello" you said shyly as you looked down at the floor, your cheeks a crimson red, making Grayson chuckle

"No need to be shy"

"I-I know, I'm just such a big fan of you guys!" You said happily

"Do you want to go hangout?"

"Right now?" You asked, as Grayson nodded

You agreed and paid for the snacks you had gotten and both of you walked to a park nearby

After you both got to know each other a little more and Grayson was able to see the beauty you were hiding under the mask, you started to talk to each more often, either by call or text

On your third date, Grayson asked you to meet him at the grocery store you had both met

Although you found it odd, you agreed and went to the store at the time Grayson had asked, you walked to the snack aisles to get yourself some snacks while you were at it

However, you saw that the snacks had words on them, spelling out

Will you date me?

Someone hugged you fell behind, making you startle a little before relaxing in the arms of the person behind you

"What do you say?" He asked nervously

You turned around, removing your mask from your face and sliding down the mask from his and gave him a sweet and short kiss

"Does that answer your question?"

"Mmm, no, maybe a few more of those could make the answer clearer" Grayson said, making you smile at his silliness

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