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A/N: This was a request from @yourlocalh0tti3. Thank you for the request, I really liked this idea and I hope you like it too!

Another day of school, another day of boredom

You walked through the school halls as everyone started making their way around school

"Hi Y/N, are you reading another book?" spoke one of your friends

"Yea, I just got it yesterday" you smiled as you continued walking to class

You weren't necessarily a popular girl at school, but people knew you because of your kindness

You were always very sweet, caring and willing to help others without needing anything in return

You were walking around the corner when you bumped into a firm chest, causing you to fall back and your books scatter on the floor

"I-I'm so sorry, are you ok?" spoke up a voice

You looked up and found yourself face to face with Grayson Dolan, the person who most of the school would consider the school nerd

Being a nerd wasn't a bad thing, that just meant that you were really smart most of the times

"I'm fine, don't worry about it Grayson" you smiled as you started picking up your books

"Y-You know my name?" he asked surprised as he helped you pick up your stuff

"Of course I know your name, why wouldn't I?" you asked as you stood up

"I don't know...not many people talk to me unless they want me to do their homework" he chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that"

"Eh, it's fine" he said as you both just stood awkwardly in the hall until the first bell rang

"Well, I'll see you around Grayson" you said with a smile

"Y-yea...see you" he said as he started watching your figure walk away from him

You felt a tug on your heart, feeling bad that people were just using him for his smarts, you turned around and see him looking at you with flushed cheeks

"Do you want to eat lunch with me today? I usually eat in the library" you said

"R-really?" he asked excited

You smiled and nodded

"O-ok, y-yea, I'll be there" he said with a blush on his face

You nodded and walked towards class

"Ah Y/N, is it lunch time already?" asked the library lady

"It sure is, I brought you some banana bread like I promised too" you said handing her a bag

"Oh sweetheart, thank you so much" she said gratefully as you nodded and made your way towards the tables in the back of the library\

"Oh sweetie, there's a boy there waiting for you, said he was having lunch with you"

"Oh, yea, he's a new friend I made" you said and continued walking until you saw Grayson sitting, doing some homework on the table

"Hey Grayson"

"O-oh, Y/N, h-hi" he said timidly

"What are you doing?" you asked as you sat next to him

"J-just some homework"

"Mmm, but your name isn't Daniel" you said

"H-he asked me to do his homework for him...or he'd beat me up" he sighed as he put his head down on the table

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now