Just A Little Jealous

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A/N: This was a request from @aboomdelacaca32. Thank you so much for this request, I enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it!

f/c=favorite celebrity (that's not Grayson lol)

"Do I really need to wear a blindfold?" you pouted to your boyfriend as he was taking you to god knows where in the car

"C'mon it's a surprise babe!" he spoke excitedly as he gave your forehead a quick pat and parked the car, "we're here" he said as he got off and quickly went around the car to open the door for you

"If you plan to kill me, I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you" you warned, making Grayson chuckle

"I'd have a pretty cute ghost haunting me" he flirted, making your eyes roll

Quickly, Grayson snatched his hands from yours and were replaced by another pair of hands

"Hello princess" someone whispered into your ear, making you jump back and almost trip, "wow there, sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you" spoke the voice again

"Oh...oh my gosh, I know you!" you said with your blindfold still on, "You're f/c!" you exclaimed as you took off the blindfold and hugged f/c tightly

"Hi there sweetheart" spoke f/c, clearly flirting with you, making Grayson's jaw clench at all the touchiness f/c was doing

"Let's take a tour around my house, I'll show you all the wonders I have to offer" they said flirtatiously, with their arm around your shoulders as you giggled like a schoolgirl, taking a walk with them and leaving Grayson behind

"Pfft, don't worry about me" he muttered to himself as he trailed behind you guys

"Here I have the theatre room where my friends and I tend to watch all the newest movies, before they even release in theatres"

"Wow! That's so cool f/c!"

"Thanks sweetheart" f/c spoke as they booped your nose

"And this is my room, I like showing my room to people, especially at night" f/c said with their arm still around you and pulling you closer to their chest

"Alright, that's enough" spoke up Grayson, who you just noticed was behind you guys the whole time, "I'm really glad my girlfriend was able to meet you, but we have to get going now" he spoke sternly as he ripped you from f/c arms

"That's fine, we can see my room some other time Y/N" said f/c

"I think not, let's go Y/N" spoke Grayson as he dragged you out of the house, holding onto your wrist tightly

"Ow, ow, you're hurting me" he whined as Grayson let go and muttered a small apology before climbing into the car and driving away

The ride home was quiet but it was clear he was upset, you hadn't known what got him so upset, but you didn't want to poke the bear just yet

As soon as you got home Grayson exploded, "Why would you let f/c be so touchy with you?!" he exclaimed, making you confused

"Touchy? They were just being ni-"

"They were clearly flirting with you Y/N! Can't you see that?! This whole time they had their arms around you and dragging you around and booping your nose, you don't even let me boop your nose"

"I-I'm sorry, I hadn't-" you stuttered looking down

"Sorry isn't going to cut how I'm feeling right now! I let you have your fun, but I would've hoped you at least realized they were trying to get with you, in front of your own boyfriend!"

"I-I said I'm-"

"I don't care!" Grayson roared as you flinched really hard at how loud Grayson had yelled at you

You closed your eyes and turned your head to the side, trying to contain all the tears in while Grayson walked to yours shared room and slammed the door loudly

You were scared, Grayson had never yelled at you like that before, you hadn't thought anything had gone wrong, you were just excited to see your f/c, you hadn't even thought about Grayson

Too scared to go to yours and Grayson's room, in case he would yell at you again, you decided to spend the night on the couch

You got the extra blankets from the closet and slept on the couch, still scared if Grayson would yell at you again tomorrow

Three hours had gone by and you hadn't gone to the room

Grayson was waiting for you to walk in through the door and break up with him for having yelled at you so harshly

He was just jealous of f/c being so touch with you, but it wasn't your fault, you were just excited to finally meet f/c, how else were you supposed to react?

Sighing, Grayson walked to the living room, only to see you on the couch, hearing your muffled cries

"Y/N" Grayson spoke softly, however, hearing his voice made you flinch as you shut your eyes tightly


"P-please don't yell anymore...I'll go away if you want to, but please d-don't yell at me anymore" you cried out, making Grayson's heart ache, and tears flow down his own face

"Oh, Y/N" he whispered as he ran at you and hugged you tightly to his chest, both of you becoming a mess of tears in each others arms

"I'm sorry I didn't do anything about f/c, but please Grayson, please don't yell at me anymore, I-I...I-I get scared" you confessed

"I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry I yelled at you, I was just a little jealous of how touchy f/c was being with you, but...please don't be scared of me, I love you, please don't leave me" he said in between tears as your foreheads touched

"I could never leave you" you whispered, making Grayson give you a light smile, and lay down on the couch with you, both falling asleep for a good night's rest

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