A Love Rivalry

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A/N: This was a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for this request, I really enjoyed writing this, it's a little different from what I'm used to writing it, but I really enjoyed this kind of genre and I hope you like it too!

f/n= father's name

m/n= mother's name

l/n= last name

"Where are you going at this hour?" spoke your father from the kitchen

"I'm going to check on the flowers I planted, make sure they're getting enough water since it hasn't rained recently" You said as you picked up your gallon of water

"Be careful, you've planted your flowers close to the Dolan territory, you know how much we despise each other" spat your father as he spoke of the Dolan's

"Don't worry dad, I'll be in my wolf form, I doubt they'll smell me if they're in their human form"

The Dolan's, the other wolf known family

For as long as you could remember, your family, the L/N's and the Dolan's have hated each other

A rivalry that started many, many years ago due to an unknown reason that no one talks about

At first you didn't find a reason to hate them, the innocence of a child

But as you grew, you just saw the amount of hate your family had against them, so you decided to hate them as well not wanting to against your family

You especially hated Grayson Dolan, the younger twin of Ethan Dolan

The three of you went to the same school and were even in the same class, but you despised them as much as they despised you

However, Grayson was on another level of hatred for you, his cockiness and the way he could things so easily annoyed you

You shook your head to get rid of those thoughts as you transformed into your wolf form

Meanwhile on the Dolan territory, Grayson was just having a walk around the land his family owned

He needed to clear his thoughts from the constant hatred there was between his family and yours

Grayson walked along the border and quickly stopped as he noticed a beauty a few feet ahead of him

A beautiful grey and white furred wolf with ocean blue eyes

Grayson froze, not from shock, but from how beautiful and at peace the wolf seemed to be in

The wolf was watering what seemed to be flowers at the verge of blooming any day

After taking in your appearance, Grayson transformed into his own wolf form and approached the unknown wolf carefully

You stopped watering your flowers as you sniffed a scent nearby your dropped the gallon and turned to the direction of where the scent was coming from

Your blue wolf eyes widened as you saw another wolf a few feet ahead

Silky brown and black fur with forest green eyes looking straight at you

You got into a defensive stance as you growled at the wolf in front of you

The wolf growled back at first, however it stopped, making you stop as well, but not letting go from your defensive stance

The wolf approached towards your way cautiously as you stood your ground

It stopped in front of your flowers, sniffing them

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now