Belated Birthday

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A/N: This was a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it!

f/p= favorite pizza

The one day you wanted to spend with Grayson

The one day you would've hoped he made time for you in his schedule and he hadn't called you or texted you or done anything

It was like it was another normal day

Even Ethan had texted you a quick happy birthday, but there was no sign of Grayson

"Happy Birthday to me" you sand sadly as you blew out the candles on a cake you had made

You weren't even in the mood to have any cake, so you put it away and called it day, going to sleep

The next day, Ethan and Grayson were editing a video they had just filmed

"How was your day yesterday?" asked Ethan, making Grayson a bit confused

" was good? Why do you ask?"

"Did you use protection?" asked Ethan with a smirk

"Protection? For what?"

"What do you mean for what? For Y/N's birthday, unless you guys just went out or something"

" wasn't Y/N's birthday yesterday"

Ethan looked at him in awe, jaw dropped, "dude, yes it was, look" Ethan said as he took out his phone and showed Grayson the text of happy birthday

"Oh my gosh it was her birthday yesterday!" Grayson said as he didn't know what to do now, he hadn't even texted you yesterday since he was so busy with filming, he totally forgot it had been your birthday

"You are in big trouble bro, you have to make it up to her good"

"Shut up, I know bro! Jesus, what do I do?" he asked himself as he paced around the room, until he came up with an idea, "I got it! But imma need your phone"

It was near noon and Grayson hadn't texted you yet, making you worry until you saw Ethan was calling


"Hey, Y/N, what's up?"

"Oh, umm, nothing much, just here at home"

"It's close to lunch time, do you want to go out and eat somewhere?"

"Oh, umm, no I'm fine, thanks th-"

"Great, I'll bring pizza over then, bye!"


You looked at your phone as you saw he had hung up, you grunted as you rolled over in bed

"I hope he brings f/p" you muttered to yourself

Meanwhile, Grayson was flipping out on Ethan

"Pizza?! How am I supposed to fix something with pizza?!"

"I don't know bro, figure it out" spoke Ethan nonchalantly

Grayson groaned as he left to go pick up some pizza and head to your apartment

You were lazily watching television when there was a knock on your door

You went to open the door, thinking Ethan was on the other side, but you opened it to see your boyfriend standing there with pizza

You glared at him and as soon as you were able to shut the door, he put a foot in, making you scoff and walk away as he entered your apartment


You cut him off my throwing a pillow at him, which he dodged right in time and without dropping the pizza

"S-sweetie, I'm sorry, it was unintentional, I didn't think-"

"Damn right you didn't think! The one day of the year that I want to spend with you! I don't care for any other holidays, I just wanted to spend my birthday with you! Even if it was just here, in my apartment , I just wanted it to be with you!" you said as you were about to throw another pillow, but Grayson got to you before you could do that and immediately locked his lips with you, making you melt at the touch of his soft lips

"It's my fault, I know, and I'm truly sorry, let me make it up to you" he whispered in your ear as he peppered light kisses down your neck, making you shiver

"G-Grayson" you stuttered

"Y-" he was about to answer until your stomach growled, causing you both to become silent and then cackle out laughing

"Guess someone is hungry, huh?"

"Yea, I didn't eat all day yesterday, thinking you would take me somewhere or bring food, and I was too depressed to eat today, guess my stomach got tired of it" you chuckled as Grayson looked at you softly

"I'm sorry, I promise it won't happen again"

"It better not, or next time I won't forgive you so easily, you're lucky I'm hungry" you said giving a playful stern look, making he chuckle

"Gosh, I love you"

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