Your Highness

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f/n= friend's name

"Your highness, please sit still" f/n spoke in a calm voice as she brushed your hair

"F/n, you can call me Y/N when no one's around, you know that" you smiled at her through the mirror as she too gave you a small smile

"If your parents were to hear that your personal maid calls you by your first name, I'm sure I would be executed"

"I promise you, you won't be're the only friend I have, so I will do everything I can to protect you" you said determined, making f/n give a small chuckle

"Very well then Y/N"

"Who are we meeting that I have to get ready for?"

"The Dolans, since you're of age to marry now, your family and their family would like to wed you with their son...or should I say son's? There are two Dolan boys, twins, however, at their time of birth, it was unsure which one of them came first since they were mixed up later, ultimately, it's for you to decide who you marry between them"

"That's a lot of information" you sighed

"Yes, well we must be going now, the prince's will be arriving soon"

With that, you and f/n made your down from your room in the castle and into the main hall to welcome the prince's with your parents

"You boys must be respectful of princess Y/N boys" their mother spoke sternly

"Yes mom" they both sighed at the same time, not too excited, however Grayson was somewhat interested in learning something about you

Soon enough they got to the castle and were escorted to the main hall

There is where Grayson felt like he fell in love at first sight with you

His eyes met yours as he saw you smiling at his family, your natural rosy cheeks that weren't tainted with make-up, your smile that seemed to come so natural

Your eyes met with Grayson's, at the time you didn't know his name, but you can tell that he was an astonishing young man, his physique was very well kept, and his eyes that looked dark under the lights in the room seemed enchanting

"F/n, take the highness and the prince's to the guest hall" spoke your father as your friend nodded and asked you to follow her

The walk to the guest hall couldn't have been more awkward, no one was talking

Soon enough you reached the hall and f/n left to bring some snacks, leaving you alone with the twins

Your anxiety started peaking as you grew nervous, not knowing what to do, still, you breathed in and out discreetly

"Hello your highnesses, my name is Y/N L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you" you curtsied to the twins

"P-please your highness, the pleasure is all ours...right Ethan" spoke Grayson as he elbowed his brother to bow

"My name is Grayson, and this is my brother Ethan" Grayson introduced as you nodded with a smile

"Did you guys travel far to get here?" you asked curiously

"Just about an hour" Ethan responded nonchalantly

"Oh wow, a whole hour in a carriage ride must be uncomfortable"

"Yea, hey, could you show me to the bathroom"

"I'll take you there prince" spoke your friend out of nowhere, startling you a bit as you hadn't known she had been back with the snacks

"Umm, so what do you like to do for fun?" Grayson asked trying to strike up a conversation with you and trying not to sound too nervous around you

"Depends on the day, I like to try different kinds of things, one can never know too much, you know?" you responded calmly to the blushing boy, "But I really like to spend time in the library, may I take you there, please, I would love to show you the collection of books we have!" you said excitedly as you took Grayson's hand unconsciously, making the poor boy blush even more

"I-I would like to see the library" he said nervously as you nodded, still holding his hand innocently and dashing with Grayson to the library, laughing as you were having fun with the prince

"Wow, this sure is a big collection of books you have here, your highness" Grayson spoke as he looked around the room at all the books you had

"Please, call me Y/N" you said as you walked to a section of the library and got out a book, "This is the book I'm reading right now" you said as you handed him the book for him to take a look at

Grayson smiled at you softly as he took the book you handed him and opened it to read, a few moments later he started to fur his eyebrows

"Is something wrong?" you asked curiously with doe eyes

"N-no it's just...I have dyslexia, so when I read, some letters get jumbled up for me sometimes" he confessed with a sigh at the end, feeling as though he had disappointed you

"Oh, would you like for me to read for you then?" you asked with a sweet smile, making Grayson amazed that you would do that for him

He nodded his head as you both went to sit on a couch nearby as you opened the book to read

"Y/N...would it be ok if I held you hand?" Grayson asked nervously

"Of course" you smiled at him as you intertwined your hand with his

Grayson took the opportunity to raise your hand to his lips and kiss it softly, looking at you with doe eyes

You blushed as you made eye contact with him as he kissed your hand, you turned away as he scooted closer to you

"Your highness?" Grayson asked

"Y-Yes?" you responded as Grayson softly turned your face to face him, he leaned in slowly, giving you time to back away if you didn't want to kiss him

Time went by slowly as you saw Grayson close his eyes and start leaning in towards you, you gave a small smile as you closed the gap and kissed as you put your hands in his chest, surprising Grayson

Then you both hear the sound of someone clearing their throat, flushed, you both turn and see that f/n and Ethan had watched everything

"Well, now that that's out of the way, f/n, would you mind telling me more about yourself" Ethan spoke as he and f/n walked away with smiles on their faces

Grayson turned to look at you as you hid in his chest from embarrassment, making Grayson chuckle softly

"Your highness, you are adorable" he whispered as he kissed your head sweetly, before embracing you in a hug

It was clear which Dolan prince you had chosen to wed with and live happily ever after with

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