Video Games

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A/N: This is a request from @rebabyyeee. Thank you for the request! It was fun writing this, I hope you enjoy it! Happy readings!

"Grayyyy, pay attention to meeeeeee" you whined as you lay on the bed upside down, watching Grayson play call of duty

"E get the guy behind the door!" screamed Grayson through his headset, "No! The other door dumbass!"

You rolled your eyes, today was supposed to be a day for you and Grayson to spend together, but Ethan told him there was a competition today for the call of duty game and he asked Gray to participate and he agreed

"Babe, just give me a moment" Grayson said

"You said that an hour ago and then two hours before that!" you whined as you flapped your arms

"This is important to me, can you just hold on for a moment?" Grayson asked frustrated as he kept pressing buttons on the controller

You sighed and stood up, walking in front of the television, crossing your arms with a pouty face on

Grayson sighed, "Hold on E, Y/N sweetie, I need to finish the game, it'll only take-"

"No Grayson! I want some attention!" you whined, stomping your foot

"I'll be done in an hour, I promise, if I'm not done then we can go out to wherever you want" Grayson suggested

"Fine" you scoffed as you walked out of the room

You sat on a chair in a kitchen and scrolled through tik tok, it had been about half an hour until you came across a video of a woman wearing a robe with nothing under it, she walked in front of her husband who was playing video games and appeared to open her robe in front of him, the husband immediately left the game after that

"That sounds like a good idea" you mumbled to yourself as you walked to the room, seeing Grayson was still playing

"E! The guy was right there! How didn't you see him?!" screamed Grayson as he sighed frustrated

You walked into the bathroom and looked for your bathrobe, undressing yourself quickly and putting it on

"It's been a while since Grayson saw me like this" you said to yourself as you fixed your hair

You breathed out sort of nervous and walked out

"Grayson" you called out as you walked slowly to where Grayson was

"Yes sweetheart?" Grayson asked frustrated as he turned to look slightly at you before looking back at the television, "Why are you wearing a robe?"

"I'm not wearing anything" you said teasingly as you quickly took the robe off

Grayson looked at you then looked back at the television, before quickly looking back at you, gawking at your figure

"Y-Y/N" Grayson stuttered your name

"Yes baby?" you asked innocently

"E-E, I'm going to go now, s-something came up!" spoke Grayson quickly as he turned everything off and quickly took off his clothes and jumped onto the bed, turning to see you putting on the robe

"W-what are you doing?" he asked

"I'm going to get changed"

"I don't think so baby girl" he said huskily as he carried you onto the bed, "You wanted my attention and now you have it, but you have been a bad girl, distracting me from the game, and teasing me, then thinking you can just leave me like this, I don't think so baby" he whispered as he kissed your neck and finding your sweet spot

"Ah, ah, Gray" you softly spoke out as you ran your fingers through Grayson's hair, pulling it softly to him groan

"I love you Gray" you whispered, looking into his eyes

"I love you too Y/N" he whispered back, locking lips with you

"Grayson Bailey Dolan! How could you leave the game so sud- AHHH my eyes!" screamed Ethan as he had entered through the door

Grayson immediately shielded your body with his so Ethan couldn't see your exposed body

"Ethan get out!" screamed Grayson, making his brother scram out and Grayson sigh loudly

Grayson groaned as he hid his face on your neck, "That ruined the mood huh?" Grayson muttered

"Yea, a bit" you said, "it's ok...could we at least cuddle?" you asked

Grayson nodded and laid next to you, having you on his chest as you traced shapes on his chest

"Now I know what to do to get your attention next time" you smiled as you yawned lightly, nuzzling into his chest and Grayson kissed your head smiling

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now