Ice Skating

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A/N: Hello! Thank you all so much for 10k! I can't believe how much we've grown in the past couple months, I hope you all are enjoying these imagines, please let me know if you have any requests, I've done a few and I've loved them all! In celebration of reaching 10k I'll be posting twice today! I hope you enjoy them!

d/n=dad's name

"Hello sir, I'm Grayson Dolan and I'm here to pick up your daughter for a date" Grayson spoke nervously as he looked at your dad

Your dad eyed Grayson up and down, huffing as he let Grayson in

"You wait here, I'll go see if she's ready" your dad said as he turned to leave for your room

You were putting on your scarf since it was cold out and making sure you looked fine

"Y/N, that Dolan kid is here" you dad said with a bothered attitude as you chuckled

"Thanks dad, I'm ready now" you said as you left your room, your dad trailing behind you as you saw Grayson

"Hey Gray"

"H-hi Y/N, y-you look really nice" Grayson blushed while your dad glared at him

"Thank you, ready to go?" you asked as you were walking out the door with Grayson behind you

"I want her back home by seven" your dad spoke out

"Daaaaaddd, seven is too early, how about nine?" you tried reasoning




"Nine and I won't tell mom that you had your friends over to play poker, especially since mom told you not to because they smell weird" you said with a smirk on your face knowing the blackmail would work

"...fine nine, but not a minute later!" you dad said as he went into the house

You laughed out loud as you looked at Grayson who looked more nervous than what he should be

"Loosen up Gray" you said nudging his side as you got into the vehicle

"Sorry, it's just your dad seems very serious"

"Eh, he can be like that sometimes, so where are we going?"

"Ice skating!" he said excitedly

"I-I don't know how to ice skate" you whispered

"That's ok! More reason for me to hold you so you don't fall" he smirked

Soon enough you got to the rink with few people there, you got your ice skates and started putting them on, you stood up safely on the pavement, walking carefully to the ice, Grayson already on the ice

"Here, give me your hand" he said as he took your hands and you carefully got on the ice, your legs locking right away

"N-now what?"

"I'll pull you for awhile until you feel comfortable"

With that Grayson grabbed a hold of your hands as he skated backwards pulling you around the rink

"Try moving your legs a little, from side to side" Grayson suggested as you started moving, only to stumble onto Grayson and have you both fall

You grumbled as you tried to get up, embarrassed you had fallen on top of him

"I-I'm so sorry, I-I don't know how to get up in these!" you said clearly frustrated, making Grayson laughed

"It's ok, here I got it" he said as he flipped you both over, you under him, making you blush at the compromising position

Grayson got up swiftly as he took your hands and lifted you up, "You wanna try again?" he asked making you nod your head slowly, wanting to continue

Soon enough you were skating slowly but surely, making it a lot easier to hold Grayson's hand, but all good things must come to an end, it was close to your curfew time so you both had to get going

Soon you both got home and walked up to the front of the house, "Well this was fun" you said as you turned to him, smiling

"It was-"

"Dammit d/n you invited your friends over didn't you!" you heard your mom yell

"Y/N told you didn't she! We had a deal!"

"She didn't tell me anything! You just confirmed they were in here, plus the house only smells this bad when your friends come over! Don't they know what showers are!" she retorted making you and Grayson laugh out loudly

"Ah Y/N, you're home, hello Grayson, how was the date?" you mom asked as she opened the door

"It was good ma'am, thank you for letting me take your daughter out on a date, could I get permission for possibly another date in the future if Y/N agrees?" he asked looking at you for you to say yes

"I would love to go out with you again" you said with a smile

"Of course Grayson, you're a good boy, I know you'd never hurt my daughter, but it is a school night so hurry up you two" you said as she left you alone with Grayson, both of you standing there awkwardly


"Bye Grayson" you cut him off as you kissed his cheek quickly and went inside your home, leaving a very happy and impressed Grayson touching his cheek

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now