Confused Baby

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A/N: This was a request from@-TAYL0RRAE. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it!

s/n=son's name


"That's right baby, I'm dada, say dada again" cooed Grayson at his son

"Da....da" the baby said slowly as he played with his toys on the floor with Grayson laying on his back, on the floor with his soon

"He looks more like you everyday that passes by" you spoke up from the couch, making Grayson turn his head towards you

"He is my son after all" Grayson said cockily

" you think that means he'll also look like Ethan?" You asked curiously

"Babe, just cause we're twins, doesn't mean the baby is going to lo-"

"I'm just teasing you" you said to the annoyed Grayson, making you chuckle

"Ethan's coming over today, we need to talk about a new project idea I came up with" Grayson said as he got up and sat next you before sitting you on his lap comfortably

"Oh yea? What's the project idea?" You asked, stroking the beard that he had been growing, which coincidentally, Ethan had also been growing his own beard

"That's a surprise" he said as he kissed your forehead

You turned your head and kissed him sweetly, making Grayson want more, but you put your finger to his lips

"Not in front of the baby" You whispered

"He's not even looking" Grayson said as he cupped your cheeks and was about to kiss you until the doorbell rang

Grayson cursed under his breath as you chuckled and got up to greet Ethan

"Hey Ethan"

"Hey, is Gray-"

"I'm here E, let's go to my office, we won't take too long" spoke Grayson as he and Ethan walked to the office

Meanwhile, you went back to your baby and noticed a certain smell, lingering in the air

"Oh no" You whispered to yourself as your baby continued playing with his toys

"Well, I guess someone around here needs to have their diaper changed huh?" You spoke to your baby as you picked them up and kissed their cheek, making your baby chuckle as you walked to your bedroom to change the baby

"Alrighty then, let's take you out of this stinky diaper first" you spoke as you undid your son's diaper

"Now that that's done, we clean you up" you said as you used some wipes and cleaned your son's bum

"I'm glad you don't take big dumps like your dada" you said, making your son giggle at the word of dada

"Dada!" said your son

"Dada's in a meeting right now" You said as you put some baby powder on your baby

"Where did your father leave the diapers, hold on" you said as you walked into the bathroom to look for the diapers

Meanwhile, your son got off of the bed and walked to Grayson's office, getting on his tippy toes and opening the door, only to stumble upon a pair of legs

"Wow there buddy, where's you mom? And why aren't you wearing a diaper?"

"Dada!" spoke the baby

"Ehh?? N-no, I-I'm not-"

"S/n! He's not dada! I'm dada!" Grayson said as he was behind Ethan who was holding s/n in his arms

"Dada" repeated s/n as he grabbed Ethan's beard

"I'm your dada, give me s/n" spoke Grayson jealously as he took his son in his arms and went to the room you were in

"Oh, there's s/n...what's with the face Gray?" You asked

"S/n thought I was dada..." spoke Ethan as you turned to Grayson and laughed, causing Grayson's face to scrunch up

"It's probably just cause you both have beards" you mentioned as you took s/n in your arms and laid him on the bed to put his diaper on

Meanwhile Grayson just touched his beard and ran to the bathroom, closing it

"What do you think he's going to do?" asked Ethan, making you shrug your shoulders and put your baby down

Soon enough, Grayson came out with no beard hair and went to pick up his son

"What about how s/n?"

S/n looked at Grayson, then looked at Ethan, and started crying in Grayson's arms, something the s/n rarely did


You took s/n in your arms and rocked him to stop his crying

"You probably scared him, he's not used to seeing his dada without a beard" You commented

Grayson sighed while Ethan told them he was leaving and left

"It's ok Gray, he'll just take a while to get used to seeing you without facial hair" you said as you sat next Grayson, while carrying your son in your arms

"S/n, this is dada, ok?" You told to your son as he looked up and Grayson and then turned to hug you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck

"S/n, dada, ok? Dada" you said as you pointed to Grayson

S/n got curious and climbed onto Grayson's lap and touched Grayson's cheeks with his small hands

"Dada?" He asked as he turned to you

"Yea" You encouraged as you watched your child turn back to Grayson and kiss his cheek sweetly

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