Daddy Challenge

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A/N: This is a request from @chanyeol_stark. Thank you for the request, I hope you like it!

"Are you really going to name the baby Edwin?" You asked your boyfriend from behind the camera

"What's wrong with Edwin, it's a perfectly good name, Jimson is what's a weird name" replied Grayson

"Don't attack my baby's name like that! I will punt your baby when you're not looking" threatened Ethan

"I'd like to see you try" challenged Grayson

You and the twins were in the process of filming a video in which the twins would have to take care of baby's for a whole day and then receive a grade on how well of daddy's they were

You were about to speak when Grayson's baby started crying

"See, you're a bad fath-" spoke Ethan but was cut off by the cry of his own child

Both the twins rocked their babies back and forth in their arms, trying to get them to stop crying while you chuckled at how poorly they were doing

"They're probably hungry" you suggested

"Oh, they need milk! Y/N, feed Edwin!"

"No, feed Jimson first!"

"I don't have breast milk! Idiots, look in the box they probably have bottles they came with" you sighed at your boyfriend and his twin

After about half an hour, they were both able to calm the babies down

"Let's go get pizza" you suggested while you filmed them carrying their babies and getting to the pizza place, Ethan ordered while you and Grayson were outside with the babies

"Do you think I'll be a good dad?" asked Grayson sincerely as he rocked his baby in his arms

You looked up from phone and stared at your boyfriend as he rocked the fake baby back and forth

Have you ever thought about having kids with Grayson?

Sure, about a hundred times, he was always so caring and hardworking and loved kids

You scooted your chair closer to his, making him look up and you captured his lips against yours, bringing him for a steamy kiss

You cupped one of his cheeks as you pulled away, leaving Grayson breathless

"I think you would be an amazing father Gray" you whispered, making Grayson smile as he went in to kiss you but was interrupted by his brother

"Hey! No PDA in front of my child! He doesn't need to know what that is yet"

You snorted at his comment

Next you and Grayson went your separate ways from Ethan as the twins decided to spend some quality time with their kids

"We're going for a walk then to the store?"

You asked as you and Grayson simply walked around the neighborhood, Edwin hooked onto Grayson's chest while he held your hand

"Mhmm" he nodded, "thank you...for earlier I mean, saying I would be a good dad"

"It's not like I was lying" you said as you leaned your head on his shoulder

Later towards the end of the challenge, at night time, you and the twins were getting ready for bed, you slept in the same room as Grayson

Everything seemed to be doing well until simultaneously, both babies started crying

"Oh lord, this is going to be a long night" you sighed as you dragged a hand on your face while Grayson tried calming down Edwin

The next day the twins returned the babies and in a few weeks they had their results

Turned out Ethan got a better score than Grayson on being a daddy

Grayson sulked in your arms while Ethan joked about how much of a better daddy he was

"At least you have someone to call you daddy, daddy" you whispered into your boyfriend's ear, making him all red and flustered


Grayson Dolan ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ