Period Cramps

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"Grayson please, can you get me some pain killers and some pads/tampons" you whined with a thin sheet of sweat on your forehead

Your period had finally come and it was taking a big toll on you, it's one of the worst pains you've had so far, and Grayson wasn't cooperating with you for your needs

"Y/N, babe, I love you, I really do, but can you imagine how embarrassing it's going to be to have to walk through the pads/tampons aisle" Grayson said as he tried to reason with you, and that's when one of your mood swings hit

"You know what then Dolan," you said extremely mad as you got up in pain, "then you can leave my apartment this instant" you continued as you pushed him out of your apartment, "and I don't want to see you for the rest of the day!" you yelled as you slammed the door shut and slid down it with tears in your eyes

Grayson huffed and paced around the front of your door, debating whether he should come in or not since he had a key to your apartment

He opted to leave and try going to the store to get what you needed

Once he got to the store, he got the painkillers first since anyone could use them, then he went to the pads/tampons section of the store and saw a variety of them

Why the hell are there so many different pads/tampons! He mentally thought, he didn't know which ones to get you

Exasperated, Grayson called Ethan to see if his brother had any knowledge on girls...stuff


"E I'm at the store right now getting Y/N some...girl stuff but there are so many here I don't know what she needs!"

"And you thought me of all people would be able to help you with that?" Ethan chuckled as he heard Grayson huff on the other side of the phone

"Dude I don't know what to do!"

"Ok ok, have you gotten her any sweets yet? Maybe save the girl stuff for last and get her some sweets or things she usually craves around this time"

"Yea...ok E, thanks" he said as he hung up and went to get you your favorite cravings

As he went to get you some stuff he started calling his mom to see if she could help

"Hello ma?"

"Grayson, darling, you've finally called me!" his mom said excitedly making Grayson chuckle

"Yea ma, I actually called because I have a question"

"Sure sweetie, what's your question?"

"So...Y/N and I got into an argument because I didn't want to get her pads/tampons and-"

"GRAYSON BAILEY DOLAN!" she screamed into the phone making Grayson flinch


"I know ma, I know. I know I messed, that's why I'm trying to fix it right now, I don't know what pads/tampons to get her" Grayson repeated as he ruffled his hair

"Oh sweetie that's easy, listen up"

Meanwhile you had gotten up from door and wiped the tears from your eyes using the sleeve of the hoodie that Grayson had give you from his closet

You felt bad for throwing him out like that and now you had started to miss him

Damn these stupid mood swings you thought as you snuggled into your bed with blankets around you and your heating pad working its stuff

Slowly your eyes were beginning to close until you heard the door to your apartment open

"Y/N? Babe, it's me" Grayson spoke through the apartment as he made his way over to your room and found you with puffy eyes

You turned on your other side to avoid him looking at your red eyes, then you felt the bed dip and you got turned around, coming face to face with your boyfriend

"Gray, I'm sorry I-"

"No, I'm sorry Y/N, I was letting my masculinity get the better of me, I went to the store, and I got some of your favorite foods, and the pads/tampons you need" he said as he took out a bag and put the stuff on the bed

Looking at everything he'd gotten you made your heart warm, you got up from your laid form and tackled him into a hug, both of you laughing

"I love you so much Grayson" you said with a smile as you leaned down to peck his lips

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu