Soulmates Tattoos

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y/bs/n= your bookstore name

At the age of two, everyone gets a tattoo that will represent them, and at the age of five they will get their soulmates tattoo right next theirs, no one has the same tattoo except for soulmates, soulmates had the same tattoos, on the same spot of their body

Your tattoo was a book, hencing your love for books, and your soulmates tattoo was a camera, you always wondered what that meant, if maybe he likes taking pictures or if he makes videos, there were many possibilities to what the camera meant, and the tattoos were on your forearm, where it could be easily be seen or hidden

You were nineteen now, and EVERYONE around you had found their soulmate, the average time where people would find them was the age of fifteen, you however, haven't found your soulmate yet, and you were getting really irritated with your friends being all over their soulmate

Sure love is a beautiful thing, but when you don't have the love you should have at an age like yours, it can get pretty lonely

Anyway, you were on your way to a small bookstore you own in California, after high school you had enough money to start your own business of selling books, it was a small bookstore, but still, it was something you were in love with and proud of having

It was a Thursday morning when the bell to the door rang, signifying that a customer had walked in

"Hi, welcome to y/bs/n, how may I help you?" you said as you made your way around the counter and stopped in front of a handsome, tall and hefty looking man, sure, men have been to your bookstore before, but none as good looking as him

"Hey, I-uh, I'm looking for a book" he stuttered shyly

"Ok, well, I have a variety of books here, what kind of book were you looking for?" you smiled

"I was looking for a book by a specific author, I think his name is James Patterson?"

"Oh, of course, follow me, he has tons of great books, he's such an amazing author with a great mind" you commented

"I'm actually looking for a book for my mom, and I know she likes his work but I'm not sure what books of his are good" he confessed following you around the store

"I believe all of his books are great, never judge a book by its cover you know? Right so here we are, Patterson actually has a variety of genres from murder mystery to romance, what kind of book were you looking to get her?"

"Well, she does like murder mystery a lot, but she's also a sucker for romance, I'll get one of each and if she likes em I'll come back for some more" he said

"Great, so we can get this one and this one" you said picking out two books and heading towards the front to check him out

"So uh, what are these about?" he asked as you both got to the front desk

"Well First Love is about a couple who is in love but doesn't know it yet till the end of the book pretty much but it also has a tragic ending, and this one is part of a series, it can get really detailed but it's soooo good" you chuckled as you checked out the books

"Well, here you go, I hope your mom likes them" you said handing him the bag with the books

"Yea, thank you..."

"Y/N, and you are?

"Grayson, well thank you for your help Y/N, I'll see you around" he said with a wink as he left your store, gosh you were falling for a stranger you didn't even know

Grayson on the other hand was stunned by your beauty when he first stepped foot into your store, and as you walked around with him he admired your softness and passion for book reading, it left him wondering if you were his soulmate

He looked down at his tattoo, a camera and a book, and he sighed remembering that pretty much everyone around him had their soulmates, even his twin brother found his soulmate, and yet he hadn't found his yet

A week later Grayson walked back into your store, hoping to see you again and to get more books for his mom, she absolutely loved the books and wanted to keep reading

He walked in hoping to see you at the front, but was welcomed with your voice instead

"Hello? Is someone there?" you called out in a struggled tone

"Y-yea, hi, it's Grayson, I came in about a week ago" he said walking around looking for you until he found you, your wrists zip tied to a pole inside the store

"What happened?" he asked wondering if maybe you had been robbed

"Oh, you see I was on the phone with my friend and she bet me that I couldn't break from zip ties, and well, obviously she won because I've been stuck here for about an hour" you chuckled at the situation making Grayson laugh along with you as he broke the ties from your wrists

"Thanks" you said embarrassingly

"Anytime" he smiled at you, "So my mom loved the books you recommended, she wants to keep reading the murder mystery series if you have the next book"

"Oh, yea, of course, follow me" you said as you walked to the James Patterson section, taking off your sweater because you felt hot

"I'll get you the next four books if that's ok"

"Yea, that's fine" he said not really knowing what he was saying because he was just admiring all the small details about you, the freckles on your face, the way your eyes seemed to light up the room when you talked about books

"Hey, you ok?" you asked snapping him out of his trance

"Y-yea, sorry, it's just that you're very beautiful" he chuckled as he rubbed his neck nervously

"O-oh, I-um, thank you" you spoke shyly, tucking in a piece of hair behind your ear as you both walked to the front of the store

You were checking out the books while Grayson took a peek at your forearm, hoping you'd have the same tattoo as him, which you did

"Y-Y/N" Grayson stuttered

"Yea?" you said looking up at him a smile

He rolled up his sweater and showed you his forearm, seeing your tattoo on his body, this left you in shock, making you faint

You woke up a few minutes later on the floor on Grayson's lap

"Oh thank god you're awake, I was starting to think I killed my soulmate from shock" he chuckled, making you smile

"'re my soulmate huh?" you said sitting up in his lap more

"I guess so" he whispered looking deeply into your eyes, starting to fall in love with them

"What does your tattoo mean?"

"Oh, I do Youtube videos with my brother, so we make videos and upload them for the world to see"

"Oh, ok, gosh I've been trying to figure out for the longest time what the camera meant but it could mean so many things" you chuckled as he smiled down at you and glancing at your lips momentarily

"Can I kiss you?" he whispered, and you nodded, as both of you leaned in and finally kissed, it was a soft and sweet kiss, just like in the books you read

You both parted with your foreheads resting on each others

"I'm so happy I finally found you" you said cupping his cheeks and kissing him once more, this time for a longer time

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