I Hate You

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A/N: This is a request from @aboomdelacaca32. Thank you for the request! I haven't done an imagine like this yet, so I'm excited for you guys to read it!

f/c= favorite color

"When you said we were going to hangout, I didn't think you'd bring your brother with you!" you whispered to Ethan as Grayson lazily looked at his phone

"Sorry! He really insisted on coming, I can't shake him off when he's stubborn" replied Ethan as you simply rolled your eyes and sat back on your sit at the mall

You and the twins had grown up together and even moved to LA with them when they wanted to leave New Jersey

However, at some point in your childhood Grayson started to become hostile towards you, pushing you to have Ethan as your best friend

Grayson would constantly try to push you around and make you feel not that great, but you weren't having it, so you also decided to fight back against his bad attitude

The thing was that Grayson grew up to be a very, very attractive man and someone who could be mature and nice when they really wanted to, leading you to fall for him, but he hated you and you hated him, so ultimately, a relationship between you two would probably not work out, at least that's what you always thought

"What, am I third wheeling on a little date you had with my brother or something? Geez Ethan, I thought you had better taste than that, even I do" Grayson spoke as he lifted his eyes only to see you throwing daggers at them with your own eyes

You scoffed, "Screw you, I'm leaving" you said as you stood up from your seat

"No wait! Grayson, apologize to her"

"I wouldn't dare apologize to a person who doesn't even value the way she dresses, do you see that f/c shirt on her? It looks atrocious"

"At least I'm better looking than all the girls you've dated combined, call me later E" you said as you left the twins at the food court mall

"Wait, let's just go somewhere else" spoke Ethan as he stood up to follow you, leaving Grayson behind

"E! What gives man-"

"Don't you dare follow us, you need to apologize for being so rude to her"

"Not like she wasn't rude to me too!"

"At least she didn't start it!" snapped Ethan at his brother as he caught up with you, leaving Grayson alone with his own thoughts at the food court mall

"Sorry about him, you know how he is" spoke Ethan as you and him window shopped through the mall

"I hate him E, I really do, he is so annoying and egotistical! He has good looks, he can be nice to other people, why is he only mean to me? If it weren't for his good looks and because I see how he acts nicely around other people, then maybe I wouldn't have fallen for him" you ranted and let out a huge sigh

"You like Grayson?!" Ethan gasped


"You said you fell for Grayson! Oh my gosh I knew it! You were looking at the post of him shirtless the other day, I thought you were just leaving a hate comment but you were just ogling my brother!" he said excitedly as you covered his mouth from being too loud

"Will you quiet down please...this stays between us ok?"

Ethan nodded and went to reach for his phone to check the time, until he realized it wasn't on him

"What's wong?" you asked

"I think I forgot my phone at the foodcourt, I'll be back"

Meanwhile Grayson was just contemplating the argument he had with you

"Did I really need to be so harsh with her? God damn it, I like her so much, but I keep screwing it up" he muttered to himself as he looked to the side and saw his brothers phone

He must've forgotten it here

He thought to himself as the phone suddenly turned on with your name on the screen, calling Ethan's phone

Grayson sighed as he decided to answer the phone and tell you that Ethan had left it


"Ethan where are you? You've been gone for ten minutes"

"Sorry, I'm not-"

"You best have not told Grayson anything!"

"Anything of what?" Grayson said as he and his brother sound similar over the phone

"What do you mean of what? That I like him! Just hurry up and get here, I hate being alone in places by myself" you said as you hung up the phone, leaving Grayson with the biggest smile in the world

"What are you smiling for?" asked Ethan as he walked up to Grayson

"Nothing, man, I'll see you at warehouse" spoke Grayson as he gave Ethan his phone

Soon enough you and Ethan had finished your window shopping and went back to the warehouse

"Gray, where are you?" yelled Ethan through the warehouse

"In the editing room!" he responded as you and Ethan walked over and found Grayson playing on his phone

"I'm sorry Y/N" spoke Ethan quickly, before you could react, you were pushed into Grayson as Ethan quickly shut and locked the door to the editing room

"Hey, you ok?" Grayson asked with concern as he caught you in his arms

You quickly separated yourself from him and nodded

"I'll be back with pizza in a bit, have fun chatting in there!" spoke Ethan as he left the warehouse, leaving you and Grayson locked in the editing room

You sighed as you sat against the wall, "I'm going to kill him when he comes back" you said, making Grayson chuckle

"C'mon, it can't be that bad to be stuck with me" spoke Grayson as he sat next to you

"You're right being stuck with the person who hates me and who I hate back isn't so bad" you said sarcastically

"That's it" Grayson whispered as as pinned you to the carpet floor, hands above your head with one of his hands holding them together while his other hand was under your chin

"What's your deal with me? I thought you liked me"

"Who said I-"

"I was the one who answered E's phone at the mall"

"...you had no right to answer! That call wasn't for you!" you screamed at him

"Yea, well I did anyway! And I like you too!"

"Well I hate you!"

"I hate you too!"

Quickly you got off his grip and pulled his collar down and kissed his lips softly, making Grayson's eyes widen before slowly closing them and giving into the kiss

You both broke apart panting, your eyes closed as you were too embarrassed to look at the boy above you

Grayson traced the side of your face and to your chin, looking at you with doe eyes as he pressed one more sweet kiss to your lips

"I really, really hate you" you said as you opened your eyes and looked at him smiling softly at you

"I really hate you too" he chuckled, making you smile

"Show me how much you hate me"

An hour later, Ethan went back to the warehouse with pizza, he unlocked the door and saw you and Grayson sleeping on the floor, cuddled up,but both sweaty and red

He could only imagine the things what had happened during the time he was gone

"Eww, you guys are pervs" he said to the sleeping couple as he just left you and Grayson there so he could eat the pizza by himself

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