Body Positive

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A/N: This was a request! Thank you so much for this, I feel like everyone should be more body positive about their body, you only have one, so treasure it dearly! I hope you like this!

e/c= eye color

"Fatty, ugly, elephant, hippo, big, fatso, skeleton, walking stick, twig, stick figure... All of these are words that many men and women hear in their day to day life. These are words that degrade people and make them feel bad about themselves, we have to put an end to this!" you spoke at your body positivity event

Ever since you were a little girl, you had others always calling you names, shaming your body, it made you feel bad about yourselves, luckily however, there were a pair of boys who were always there to cheer you up

Ethan and Grayson, your best friends, they had been there for you since when the school bully pushed you into mud and got your school uniform dirty, they stood up for you

As the three of you grew up, you started becoming closer and closer, especially with Grayson

Grayson and you had a bond like no other, sure you and Ethan were also best friends, but you were so much closer to Grayson

Grayson was always there for you, he was your shoulder to cry on when someone bullied you, he was there when you would get good grades on exams, he was there for your breaks ups, he was always there for you

You knew you loved Grayson, but you were always too scared to say anything to him, fearing it might break the bond between the three of you

Grayson felt the same way, he loved you dearly and never wanted to see you hurt, that's why he would risk anything to see you happy

Growing up you started a company that focused body positivity and welcomed all those who have ever been ashamed of their body or bullied because of how they looked, to share their stories with others and make connections around the world to spread the body positivity and show how they are now proud and love how their body looks

"That's why with 'Treasure Yourself' is here, to help people spread their stories and how they learned to become body positive, this will help others see that we are all together in this fight, and we will learn to love ourselves! Thank you everyone!" you finished as you got a round of applause for your speech of your new company

"WOOOOO Y/N!!!!" Grayson said as he clapped loudly next to Ethan

You stepped off the stage and immediately went to them, Grayson running to you and picking you up, twirling you around in a hug as you giggled

"Grayson put me down" you laughed as he set you down

"You did really good out there Y/N! We're so proud of you!" exclaimed Ethan as he started chatting with you, while Grayson stared at you

You looked beautiful, the way you decided to dress for the event made your eyes pop out more, and the way you styled your hair made you look mesmerizing

"Hello? Earth to Grayson" you spoke as you finally caught his attention

"I have to go talk to the company that helped fund the event, I'll be right back" you said as you kissed his cheek quickly and left right away

"Y/N and Grayson sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Ethan sang, making Grayson glare at him while Ethan laughed

"Hellooooooooo everyone!" said somebody from the stage

Everyone turned to look and you immediately recognized the person, your ex boyfriend, he was an ex for a reason

You and him were together for six months, not too long, but long enough to have Grayson hate his guts because of how he treated you, soon enough leading you to break up with the guy because you valued Grayson's opinion more than anyone else's

"I just want to say that, this event wouldn't be possible without our favorite fatty Y/N! D-Did you guys know that Y/N even considered getting surgery to have her FAT be removed! HAHAHAHA, but her itty bitty boyfriend Grayson convinced her not to because she's "perfect the way she is", she's a fatty is what she is!" you ex boyfriend, clearly drunk, said out loud in front of the whole audience at the event

Ashamed of the commotion he caused, you ran away in tears

Meanwhile Grayson and Ethan went up stage to get your ex boyfriend get kicked out

"I don't ever want you near Y/N or anything or anyone near here! Do you understand!" Grayson growled grabbing the guy by the collar, clearly enraged

"Gray let him go, let the security take him"

Grayson let him go and went to go look for you, but found you nowhere, he asked the person you were talking to where you were but they said they didn't know, that you had run away with tears in your eyes

Grayson thanked them and sprinted away knowing you'd be be at your apartment

Once you got into your apartment you quickly changed out of your clothes and put a hoodie that Grayson had given you, and some sweats and quickly snuggled into your bed crying your pain away

"Y/N, it's Grayson, please let me in" Grayson said on the other side of your apartment door

You got up from your bed and made you way over to the door, as soon as you opened it, Grayson engulfed you in a warm embrace, one you really needed

"Don't listen to him Y/N, you're not fat, none of what he said is true and you know it" Grayson whispered into your ear as you cried into his chest

"You are beautiful, you are so beautiful Y/N, but that's not it, you're so sweet and nice to others, you are a fighter, a warrior for always getting up whenever someone tries to put you down" he continued as he kissed your temple and picked you up carrying you to your bed and cuddling under the blankets with you until you stopped crying, just holding you, being there for you, like he always has been

"Thank you Grayson" you said as you look up at him and he looks down at you, wiping the leftover tears from your gorgeous e/c eyes

"Anything for you Y/N" he responded as you both stared at each other for what seemed an eternity

Grayson then took a bold move and leaned down capturing your lips in his as he kissed you slowly and gently

You were shocked and didn't kiss back right away making Grayson retreat, but you quickly grabbed his face and kissed him, with him kissing you back immediately

Soon enough you broke the kiss, breathing heavily

"I love you Y/N...I really really do, please let me be the only man in your life that love like this" Grayson whispered making you smile

"I love you too Grayson, more than what you could ever imagine, you'll be the only man I love because you are the only man who's ever treated me right" you responded pecking Grayson's lips and cuddling into him, his arms wrapped around you happily

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