Both Our Responsibilities

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A/N: This was a request from @ShaylaSmith953.  Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy it!

"It's both of our jobs! Not just mine! These are our kids!" you screamed as you emphasized the 'our'

"I'm not saying they're not mine, I'm just saying I haven't had time to help take care of them!" Responded Grayson

"Bullshit, you and Ethan play video games almost every single day, you could dedicate that time to help me with the twins instead"

"Oh don't get your panties in a twist, I help plenty"

That's when you snapped

Lately Grayson hasn't been dedicating as much time to the twins as he used to

You were worried that the twins would get used to not having him around as much so you tried to explain to Grayson that he needs to help with them more

But instead it turned into a discussion between the two of you

You slapped Grayson across the face, "get my panties in a twist? No, Grayson, how about you put on your big boy pants and start being the father the twins deserve, not just some person who shows up occasionally"

And with that, you walked to the twins room as Grayson stepped outside and sighed, needing to be alone

He knows he was in the wrong this time, compared to last time you both had an argument, he had given you the silent treatment

This time, he was scared you would be the one giving it to him

After a while, he stepped back inside and went to check on his babies

They were sound asleep with both of them having their legs on top of each other

Grayson walked to the bedroom and noticed you were already laying on your side, most likely sleeping

He sighed as he took of his shoes and got into the bed with you

He scooted over next to you and wrapped his arm around you, soundly falling asleep

The next morning he woke up with an empty bed and the sound of one of his twins crying

He got up and rubbed his eyes as he walked to the twins room where you were burping the crying baby

"Good morning" spoke Grayson as you just kept rocking the baby until it burped

You ignored Grayson as you kept changing the twins diapers

Grayson cocked an eyebrow but decided to ignore it and go make breakfast

When Grayson had finished making breakfast, you walked into the kitchen with both babies in hand

"Morning babe! I made your favorite-" Grayson started but he stopped when you walked around him to get to the fridge and get out the baby food

"Y/N?" Grayson asked, but you continued to ignore him and went to feed your babies

"Ok, open up sweetheart" you said as you started feeding the twins

Grayson grabbed the other spoon and started feeding the other baby, copying your movements

As soon as the babies were full, you took both of them in your arms and walked over to their playpen and let them stay there so you could eat breakfast

"Ready to eat?" Grayson asked excitedly

You didn't look up to meet his gaze, instead you grabbed a bowl and served yourself some cereal

"A-are you serious? I made breakfast for us, I made your favorite" spoke your husband as you just continued eating without saying a word to him

Grayson started feeling a pain in his chest as his eyes unwillingly teared up

"H-hey, Y/N, t-talk to me...please" he asked

You finished eating and went to wash your bowl, putting your dish in the sink until Grayson pulled you back against his chest

"I'm sorry I haven't been the husband you want...and I'm sorry I haven't been the father the twins deserve, please don't give me the silent treatment, it hurts not being able to hear your voice directed at me"

"It hurts doesn't it? How do you think I felt when you wouldn't talk to me for the longest time? Or how do you think the twins feel when they don't get to hear the sound of their father's voice?"

Grayson hugged you tighter, muttering sorry's into your ear

You sighed and shook him off, turning around to meet his gaze

"No more video games during the weekdays, only Sunday's and that's if we don't go out somewhere as a family" you said sternly as you pointed a finger at Grayson

Grayson nodded with a smile, agreeing and hugging you as he swooped you in your arms

At that moment the twins both started crying

"I'll take care of them, don't worry! Hey babies, dadda is here!" Spoke Grayson as he walked towards his twins

The twins looked at each other, then looked at Grayson, then started whaling again, not really recognizing the voice of their father

"Oh boy"

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