TikTok Leggings

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A/N: This was a request from @SidZoyi. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it! 

s/n=son's name

"Mommy, the mailman is here! He left a package in front" spoke s/n from the living room couch as he peered out the window

"Ok, sweetie thank you!" you said as you ran to the living room like a schoolgirl and opened the door to reveal the package you had ordered the day before

"What did you order mommy?" asked your son curiously

"Something to wear so daddy can ogle at mommy"

"What's ogle?"

"I-uh...don't worry about it sweetheart" you chuckled nervously as you went to yours and Grayson's room to change your pants

There had been a recent TikTok trend where a girl would wear the famous TikTok or Amazon leggings and those leggings are supposed to make your butt lift up, making them pop more

Then the boy would see the girl wear the leggings and he would be surprised, you were curious as to how Grayson would react after seeing you with the leggings on

"Mommy! Daddy's calling!"

"Answer the phone sweetheart!" you said as you pulled up the leggings

"Hi daddy!"

"Hey little buddy, where's mommy?" asked Grayson through the phone

"Mommy's in her room right now"

"Hey Gray, what's up?" you said as you put the phone on speaker so you and s/n could hear Grayson

"Hey baby, I'm just letting you know I'm bringing pizza-"

"Don't bring pineapple pizza daddy, that's weird" spoke your kid in clear disgust, making you stifle a laugh

"Weird?! Pineapple pizza is the best pizza ever"

"Not me"

"...fine, I'll bring the pizza you and mommy like...but I'll also bring pineapple pizza for me"

"Sounds good Gray, so you'll be home soon?"

"Yea, in around ten minutes"

"Sounds good Gray, see you soon!"

"Bye daddy!"

"Bye guys! Love you"

And with that you hung up the phone and sat on the couch next to s/n

"Listen s/n...when daddy comes home, he might attack mommy"

"Why is daddy going to attack you?"

"Because mommy is wearing these leggings, so when daddy attacks me, I need you to come save me, ok?"

"Don't worry mommy! I'll be the knight in shining armor saving you!" spoke s/n excitedly as he ran to his room to get ready

Meanwhile you got up to wash some dishes

A few minutes later, the living room door opened, with Grayson coming into the kitchen with the pizzas

"Hey swe-...wow" whispered Grayson as he unshamely stared at your butt

"Oh, hey Gray, you're back already" you said innocently, knowing what you were doing with Grayson while wearing the leggings

You 'accidently' dropped a cup and bent down to pick it up, giving Grayson a full view of your butt

"Shit" muttered Grayson as he ran to you and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder, giving your butt light taps

"I was wondering if you were going to get these, I'm glad you did"

"G-Grayson, the pizza!"

"Pizza can wait, I can't" he said as he was nearing the bedroom, only to have s/n jump from behind the door and attacking Grayson by hitting his...private, with a wooden sword that Grayson had made for s/n

Grayson fell to the floor in pain

"I saved you mommy!" spoke s/n as he hugged you while you tried to contain your laughter but failed miserably

"Good job s/n, thank you for saving mommy, can you go set up the table for me?" you asked as you kissed your son's forehead and he nodded, running to the kitchen

"Gray, sweetheart, are you ok?" you asked now worried

"Yea, totally fine" he said as he was curled in a ball and held himself in pain

"Oh sweetheart" you said as you went to remove some hair from his forehead, only for him to grab your wrist and pin you down on the floor, with him hovering over you

"You looked really good in the leggings" he whispered as he trailed kisses down your jaw

"I-I thought you were in pain?"

"What can I say, I'm a good actor" he chuckled as captured your lips in his and you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him in closer

As Grayson let go of your lips and went to trail kisses down your neck, s/n tackled Grayson to the ground

"I saved you again mommy!" spoke s/n, making you and Grayson laugh at s/n heroism

"You sure did buddy"

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