Wrong time - Callum Ilott

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Requested by: margauxx1509. I hope you like it!

Listen to: Grey - Why Don't We

You were at the lowest point of your life. You just broke up with your boyfriend who you've been together with for two years. You quit your job to travel with your brother and figure out what you wanted to do next. You had no idea what your next step was going to be. You pictured a future with your boyfriend imagined having kids together, you were happy with your job. But your boyfriend broke up, and everything changed. The world changed its colours - everything went grey. You had been together for so long that you didn't imagine living without him. You are up together, and you were supposed to grow old together. But now you were in Belgium, and your boyfriend was nowhere in sight, and he wasn't coming. You were on your own.

'Y/N, are you ready to go?' You looked up and saw your brother, Daniel Ricciardo, all ready to go to the garage. You were currently travelling with him as he was racing all over the world. He was a driver for Formula 1, in the team of McLaren. Last year he drove his first season with them, and he did great. This year was his second season, and you've been with him since the beginning of this year. It was still a little insane to you that your brother was one of the best 20 drivers in the world. Even guys who are the same age as you were driving.

'Yeah, let's go,' you said as you got up from your chair and followed your brother to the garage. On your way, you ran into Callum Ilott and George Russell, who were teammates this year for Williams. You greeted them with a smile as you entered the garage. You knew the boys well. They were both just as old as you are, so you were connecting with them really well. Especially Callum.

'Stop staring at him,' Daniel laughed and dragged you along into the garage.

'I wasn't staring. He is a friend. Don't get anything in your head,' you said to Daniel.

'I won't.'

Daniel got to work while you helped with some things for social media. You helped the team a lot with that, and they appreciated it a lot.

After the day was done, you met up with Callum. The two of you were going to watch some movies in his room. The two of you did that a lot recently, and you liked it. It was a change from your room to his, with  company.

'How was today?' you asked Callum as you entered his room.

'Busy, very busy, but fun. I think we can do good things this weekend,' he said.

'I hope so. You deserve it.'

'What about you? I saw you posted a lot on social media.'

You sat down on the bed and nodded. 'Yeah, we made some stories for today, and I took some photos that will be somewhere up this weekend and otherwise somewhere during the week. I'm not exactly sure. But it was fun. I like doing it.'

Callum smiled. Whenever you talked about something you were passionate about, your eyes would lit up. He noticed you could talk about it for hours. When you were shy, he also saw how you would fumble with your bracelets and when you were uncomfortable, you would look at your shoes. When you were having an off day, you would do a lot of staring, just looking in the distance, your mind drifting away from the real world. He noticed those things. But he knew you were having a hard time. He could see it in your eyes. You haven't talked about it, but Callum had the feeling you weren't with Daniel only for fun.

'What do you want to watch?' You asked as you grabbed his laptop from the bed, that already had Netflix open.

'You pick something this time.'

'I always pick. Give me a genre then.'

'Fine action.'

You started to scroll through Netflix, and your eyes fell on 'Now You See Me'. 'This one,' you said and started the movie.

You both got comfortable and watched the movie.

When it was done, you noticed Callum looking at you. He probably looked more at you than the movie.

'Why are you looking at me like that?' You asked as you turned around to Callum. You could see the shock in his eyes.

' N-nothing.'

'Oh, come on! I saw you looking at me during the movie.'

Callum turned red and looked the other way. He sighed and looked back at you. 'I like you, a lot Y/N, that's why I was looking at you. Because I rather watch you than those movies.'

You were silent for a moment. He did not just say that. 'I have to go,' you mumbled and jumped up from the bed.

'Y/N, wait. Don't go.'

You shook your head. 'I can't do this, Callum. I just... I...' You had no idea what to tell him. You were about to break his heart and probably lose your friendship.

'Please tell me you like me too,' he mumbled.

'I like you... as a friend. You mean a lot to me, Callum, but not in the way you want me to. You're a great guy, but I'm just not ready.'

You grabbed your shoes from the ground and hurried out the door after mumbling a sorry.

When you entered your hotel room, the tears were streaming down your face.

Daniel was laying on the bed, looking at you in surprise. 'You're back early,' he said.

'Yeah...' You put your shoes down and walked over to the bathroom.

'Did something happen?'

You walked out of the bathroom and looked at Daniel. 'He likes me. Callum likes me.'


'It's not that I don't like him, but I... I'm such a mess. I don't even know what I want to do with the rest of my life. I just broke up after a long relationship, and I need time for myself first. I can't say that I want to try and then ruin everything anyway. It's just...'

'Right person, wrong time,' Daniel said.

'I think.'

Daniel got up from the bed and hugged. 'If he's the right person, you'll meet him again at the right time.'

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