Surprise - George Russell

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You were already laying in bed. You were supposed to call with your boyfriend, George Russell, but he didn't pick up when you called him. Because you were not in the mood to do anything else, you decided to go back to sleep on time. You were just drifting to sleep when you heard a noice at the front of your apartment. You looked up, but didn't see anything. It was probably nothing. You closed your eyes again. Then you heard the noice again. It was the door of the apartment opening. Your heart started to speed up. There was someone else in the apartment. You have never felt this level of scared. With shaking hands, you grabbed your phone from the nightstand and you called George. You could call the police, but no, you called your boyfriend who was somewhere in Europe and couldn't possibly help you in this situation.

'Hello?' George said quietly.

'There is someone in the apartment,' you whispered.

'What? Who?'

'Hell, I don't know. Probably a burglar!'

George started to laugh. But you also heard someone in the apartment laugh. What the fuck. Then the lights in the bedroom got on. You jumped to the other end of the bed. The laughing got even harder. You looked up and saw George standing in the doorway.

'What the fuck are you doing here?!' you yell at him.

'Surprise?' It sounds more like a question.

You grab a pillow and throw it at him. 'You ass. I got scared to death!'

George catches the pillow and throws it back on the bed. He kicks off his shoes and then lets himself fall on the bed.

'I'm sorry. I just wanted to surprise you.'

You shake your head, but can't help but smile. 'It would've have been cute if it was during the day and I did't think someone would break in.'

'Got it.'

You laid down next to George and he tulles you closer. 'But I'm glad you're back. This is way better than the FaceTime calls.'

'I agree. I missed you too,' George smiles and kisses you. God, you missed him.

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