Hurt - Lando Norris

10.5K 174 8

For the first time in a while, the weather was nice outside. It was early in the morning, but you were already making the most of it. You were putting on your running clothes trying to be as quiet as possible, because your boyfriend Lando was still asleep, or at least that's what you thought.

'What are you doing?' you heard behind you.

You turned around and saw Lando waking up. 'Good morning. I'm going out for a run. I'll be back soon.' You walked over to Lando and gave him a quick kiss.

'I'm going to close my eyes for some more than,' Lando said.

You smiled, grabbed your phone and earphones and you walked out of your apartment.

You put in your earphones, put on your running playlist and you started to run.

On the tempo of the music, you started to run through the streets of the town where you lived. The sun was shining on your face, and you loved beginning to your morning like this. But that happy feeling disappeared soon when you tripped over your own feet. You fell over to the ground and felt pain in your right leg and ankle. Luckily, there was nobody around to see you fall. You got up, but you knew it wasn't good when you stood on your right leg. You couldn't put your full weight on it. Luckily you weren't too far away from home, so you decided to walk back, trying to ignore the pain as much as you could.

You arrived back at the apartment and let yourself fall on the couch. You just couldn't take one more step.

'Babe?' you heard from the bedroom.

'In here!' you yelled back. You put your phone on the table in front of you and tried to take off your shoe, but you couldn't bow your knee. You looked up when Lando walked into the living room.

'Why are you back so soon?'

'I fell, and now I can't take off my bloody shoe,' you said, getting frustrated.

Lando walked over to you and sat down on the couch.

'What hurts?'

'My right leg. From my knee till my toes,' you sighed and leaned back.

Lando carefully put your right leg on his lap, and he started untying your shoe. You winced in pain as he carefully took off your shoe.

'I'm going to get an ice pack. Is that dirt?' Lando asked and pointed at a spot on your knee. It wasn't dirt.

'Ah shit,' you mumbled. 'That's not dirt.'

'I'm also going to get a wet towel if you take off your pants,' Lando said as he got up from the couch. You quickly got your left leg out of the pants, but the right leg took a few more minutes. You were careful around the knee. When you got it off, it showed that there was a big scratch on your knee.

'Oh god,' you mumbled, already feeling nauseous at seeing the sight of the blood.

'Is it bad?' Lando asked.

'Not that bad, but I just can't look at it.'

Lando walked over to the couch, and you felt an ice pack on your ankle and a cold cloth on your knee.

'God,' you hissed feeling the cold on your body.

'Sorry,' Lando mumbled.

'It's fine. I'm just glad it's not broken.' A friend of you had that one time. She tripped over her own feet and broke her feet. You could still walk back, so you knew it wasn't broken.

'But you're going to have to take it easy, and I'm going to take care of you,' Lando said with a big smile.

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