No goodbye - Charles Leclerc

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You drove to your house as fast as you could. There was a small change that you would still be in time to say goodbye to your boyfriend as you needed to finish some things at work that took longer. You tried to drive as fast as you could. You didn't care about a speeding ticket, you just wanted to get home so that you could say goodbye to Charles. He was leaving for another GP. You didn't care if it wouldn't be a long goodbye. You just wanted to hug him one more time before he would be gone again for a week. You didn't say goodbye this morning, because he was still asleep and you didn't want to wake him up.

You slapped on the steering wheel in anger when you had to stop the car because of the traffic. There were so many cars on the road, and you just couldn't drive anymore. The tears stung in your eyes. You tried to blink them away. You didn't want to cry. You usually would've called Charles, but your phone was dead, and you forgot your charger. You didn't think you were going to see Charles before he would leave, but you wanted to stay positive. You needed to be. Because if he were gone by the time you got home, you wouldn't be able to call him until tomorrow morning, because he would be in the air all night.

You finally arrived home. You quickly parked the car and run into the apartment building. You had a fifteen-minute delay. Knowing Charles, there would be a slight chance that he would still be home. You ran up the stairs, not having the patience to wait for the elevator. You got to your apartment and quickly opened the door.

'Charles?' you yelled as soon as you got in.

You walked into the completely empty living room. Now the tears burned in your eyes, wanting to leave.

You let your bag fall on the floor. You kicked off your shoes and sighed. You made your way to your bedroom and put your phone on the charger. Your eyes fell on a note that was laying on your pillow. You said down on the bed and started to read the letter.

Bonjour belle

How was work?

I'm sorry that we couldn't say goodbye. I tried to call you, but I think your phone was dead. I tried to wait for as long as I could, but we had to leave. I'm so sorry. Please call or text me as soon as you're home.

Je t'aime. I love you. Ti amo.

I can't wait to see you again!

x Charles

The first tears escaped from your eye. You hated this so much. All you wanted to do was see his face, but he was up in the air right now, not being able to call. You put the note on your nightstand and grabbed your phone. It was already on. You logged in and saw that Charles had texted to several times.

Are you on your way?

I have to leave soon

Your phone is probably dead

I want to say goodbye

Okay, I have to leave. I love you. Call me when you see this. X Charles

He had called you four times. You looked at the time. If you were correct, the plane just took off. You tried to FaceTime him, but it went straight to voice-mail. You sighed but quickly texted Charles back.

I'm home. I'm so sorry I missed your calls. My phone was dead, I needed to finish up some things, and then there was a traffic jam. It just didn't work out. I'm so sorry. I wanted to say goodbye too. I love you and call me as soon as you land. I don't care if it's nighttime or not. I want to see your face. Also, your note was very cute! x Call me when you get this! I love youuu xx

You put your phone away again, knowing he wouldn't be texting back for a while. God, you hated not saying goodbye.

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