Stressed - Max Verstappen

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I just have no words for today. George deserved that podium so much. He had truly urned it. And then Max and Charles were out in the first lap...

You loved your job, but sometimes it just got too much. Weekends weren't on your agenda. Even if you had a free day, co-workers would still reach out to you for help or whatever they need. Sometimes it was the most simple questions, and you answered every single one of them because you were that person. But this week you were just done. You wanted to lay in bed all weekend and just do nothing, but you couldn't. You had planned to travel to see your boyfriend, Max Verstappen, while he had his race in Belgium. You loved that you were able to see him again, but you just had no energy.

When you arrived in Belgium, the day was already over, so you headed straight for the hotel. Max wasn't there yet but would be soon. You took a long shower and then laid in the bed, waiting for Max. Your phone rang, and you thought it was Max, but of course, it was one of your co-workers needing something from you. Even if the office was already closed, the freelancers would still call you.

'Hey Y/N, am I bothering you?' one of your co-workers asked as soon as you picked up the phone.

'No, not at all. What's up?' Just as you said that you heard the hotel door close. You looked up and saw Max walking in. The tears were burning in your eyes already. You were just so tired.

'I was supposed to have this file, but I don't have it. I really need it to finish up the deal.'

'I don't have my laptop with me so I can't help you. Maybe try somebody else from the department or ICT?'

'Okay, I'll try that. Thanks.'

'No problem.' You hung up the phone and tossed it aside, groaning in annoyance.

'You don't look happy,' Max said as he laid down on the bed next to you.

'It's just work,' you sighed and looked at him. A slight smile grew on your face. Everything was better when he was around. 'I missed you,' you mumbled and pressed a kiss against his lips.

'I missed you too, but we're getting off-topic. You're working too much Y/N. You don't have to answer your phone all the time.'

'I know, but I just have to answer. And I think they're also expecting me to be online all the time.'

Max shook his head. 'Not anymore. Have you thought about buying a work phone? You can just turn it off when you're not working, and they have no way to reach you.'

'I'm not that type of person. I like my job, but...'

'I like my job too, but you don't see me working 24/7. You need some time off too. You need to take care of yourself, or you'll get a burnout or something like that.'

You sighed, knowing that Max was right. You were the type of person to help everybody all the time. You worked your ass off just to be as good as you could. 'I know, but-.'

'No, no more buts. We're going to turn it off for the weekend. You're going to relax and have some time for yourself. Why don't you and Charlotte go to the spa tomorrow when we have the last free practice? You'll be back for qualy, and after that, I'm going to take you out to dinner. We're going to watch a movie in the hotel and just relax. Sunday is race day, and then Monday morning you can turn on your phone again. How does that sound?'

'Really good. You're the best.'

'I know.'

You chuckled.

'I'm going to take a shower and then we're to watch a movie, okay?'


Max quickly showered and then laid down next to you again. He turned on the tv and went to Netflix and clicked on the series you were watching. You cuddled up against Max and just felt your body relax already. You weren't paying that much attention to the tv. Max was stroking your hair, and you quickly fell asleep.

The next morning you woke up with Max being gone. You looked surprised when you saw a box on the nightstand. You sat up in bed and grabbed the box. There was a small note attached to it.

Just a little gift, because you deserve it. You have worked so hard. You deserve a little peace and quiet. x Max

You opened the box and saw a brand new phone with a sim card. You had the sweetest boyfriend ever. You quickly charged the phone. You turned on your old phone, now your work phone, and quickly put some contacts into your new phone. You texted Charlotte with your new number that you just woke up and that you were getting ready. You looked at the clock and saw that the last practice hadn't begun yet. You quickly called Max on your new phone.

'Good morning,' he said as soon as he answered the phone. 'How did you sleep?'

'Good. You?'

'Good. It was a shame I couldn't stay.'

'Thank you, Max. You didn't have to do this,' referring to the gift.

'I know, but I do. You deserve to have some time off and just relax. And If I can help with that, I will.'

'I love you. I'll see you in a few hours.'

'I love you too.'

This weekend you had so much fun. It was the first time in a while since you felt this relaxed. You had fun with your friends and with Max, who finished 1st at the race this weekend. Your new phone really gave you a lot of peace, and now you were ready to start the new week.

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