Party - Daniel Ricciardo

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Ever since you started working there, you became closer with the drivers. Some more than others. Daniel Ricciardo was one of them. Ever since the two of you met, you became really close. It got to the point now where you were always flirting, you were constantly around each other, but nothing really happened, yet.

Tonight you were going out with some of your friends and some of the drivers from F1. As you were getting ready, you got a message from Daniel that he was waiting outside for you. You quickly got your stuff and headed downstairs.

'You look lovely,' Daniel says as soon as he sees you.

'Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself,' you smile at him as he opens the car door for you. You get in. Daniel gets in too and the both of you go to the party.

Once you arrive, you can see that it's already very busy. You were never a big fan of parties, but ever since you stared working in Formula 1, you got to more parties. It wasn't that you liked them, but with Daniel by your side it was always better.

You got out of the car and you both walked in to the building. Daniel his hand was laying on your lower back as you walked in and made your way to some other drivers. You both greeted Max, Pierre and George who were already here. You started to chat with Max about his weekend, Daniel not taking his hand off your lower back. Alex came to the group with a tray full of drinks.

'Shots!' Pierre yelled, who obviously already had something to drink. He grabbed a drink from the tray and drank it in one time. Everybody got a glass from the tray and you toasted to a good night.

A few shots and drinks later and you were having more time than ever. Daniel was never leaving your side and you could feel that there was something more going on then just the normal flirting the two of you did. Someone Max noticed it too and kept looking at you, with a confused look on his face. You just smiled at him. When your song came uit, you dragged Daniel to the dance floor with you. You danced your heart out while smiling at Daniel, who happily joined you. Then the next song came up and it was a bit slower song. You were obviously a little bit drunk, so you didn't care at all about what you did. You turned your back to Daniel and you started to swing along to the song. He was standing close to you, his hands on your hip. You smiled and leaned with your head against Daniel his shoulder. You enjoyed this moment so much. You never had such connection with a guy. And the fact that he was now dancing with you, while his friends were watching. You turned around to him, looking him in the eye.

'You're really hot,' you whisper at him, looking him right in the eye.

He tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. 'I can say the same thing about you.' He leans in and presses his lips against yours. The sparks were flying around and you could feel the connection between the two of you growing even stronger.

You pulled back and smiled at him. 'I was waiting for you to do that,' you said and kissed him again. 

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