I wonder - George Russell

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You looked at your best friend, George Russell, who was just about to get in his race car. Today was a new day of racing, and you finally had time to see one in person. Being a student and working on the weekends, it was hard to also get to race weekend. George wanted you there every weekend if it was up to him, but that just wasn't possible. But you were here now, and you were happy. It was good to see George race again and all the excitement around it, but you didn't like the fact that George his girlfriend was here too. It's not that you didn't like her, it was the fact that you liked George more than just your best friend. You have been feeling like that for a long time, but you didn't want to tell him how you really felt, afraid that it would ruin your relationship. When you finally build up the courage to tell him, he had met his girlfriend, and you were too late, so you decided to keep your feelings to yourself.

You looked at the screen where you could see the race. George was now P17, somehow having Alex Albon and Lando Norris behind him. You smiled, it was fun to see the three of them race against each other even more than normal. But sadly George got a lock-up and the Red Bull and the McLaren could go past him. You heard George swear on the radio. The rest of the race wasn't that interesting. George ended P19.

When George got out into the garage, he was immediately greeted by his team and his girlfriend. You stood back, giving him some space. You looked at how George and his girlfriend kissed, and it felt like a knife stabbed you in the heart. You felt that every time you saw them together, but today was just a little bit worse. You wanted to be the first in line to kiss him and to hug him if it was a good race or not, you wanted to be the first. But you weren't, and you had to accept that if you wanted to keep George as your friend.

When he got passed everyone, he walked up to you. 'Did you enjoy the race?' he asked before you could say anything.

'I did! It was fun to see you battling Alex and Lando.'

George laughed. 'Yeah, it was like we were back in our rookie year.'

'What's next?'

'I need to go over some data with the team, and then I'll have some things to finish up and then I'm done for the day. We can go for dinner tonight, the three of us?'

The three of us... You would be the third wheel at some fancy restaurant. No thanks... 'I already made plans with Lando, if you don't mind?'

George looked at you with a confused look on his face. He didn't know you talked to Lando. Or were you lying? Why didn't you want to come to dinner with him and his girlfriend? 'Sure. Breakfast tomorrow then?'

'I'll see you at the hotel, George,' you smiled and walked away before you had to come up with more lies. You loved that George was having the time of his life and had a girlfriend by his side, but you didn't want to be the third wheel, not with him and his girlfriend.

You made your way to the Williams facility, where you left your bag. You greeted some people, made your way to George's driversroom and packed your bag. When you turned around, George was standing in the doorway.

'Why are you lying to me?' he asked as soon as you turned around.

'What?' you asked, confused, acting as you didn't hear what he said.

'Why are you lying to me? You're not going to dinner with Lando tonight. You have only talked to him once.'

'How do you know that? Maybe I've talked to him online?'

George shook his head. 'You would've talked about him or invited him along for dinner.' George stepped into the room and shut the door. 'So, why are you lying to me?'

'I'm just not in the mood to go to dinner,' you said. 'I want to go to the hotel, lay in bed and not come out until it's tomorrow morning.'

'Why? What's going on? It feels like you're hiding something from me. It's not just today. You acted weird yesterday. Is everything going on at home?'

God... why does he even to notice everything? 'It's all fine. I'm just tired,' you said.

'I found this, by the way, you left it in the garage,' George said and handed you your notebook.

'Is that why you came after me?' You asked as you grabbed the notebook from him.

'That and I wanted to talk to you. Who did you write the last story about?'

Your eyes widen. He read your notebook. 'Tell me you didn't read what I wrote down.'

'I did, because how else would I supposed to know it's yours?'

'You don't read in people's notebook, George! Those things are private,' you yelled.

'Then why did you leave it in the garage?' he yelled back at you.

There was a knock on the door. George opened the door and looked at his girlfriend.

'Is everything okay in here?' she asked.

'We're fine,' you snorted. You packed your bag and stormed out of the room.

'Y/N!' George yelled at you.

You didn't turn around. You rushed out of the Williams facility. You heard George yell your name once more. Once you were outside, someone grabbed your arm. You turned around and saw George.

'Right before I close my eyes, the only thing that is one my mind is you. I wonder what it's like to be loved by you. I wonder if someday you'll be by my said and that the world will feel alright,' you said.

'I need you to say it,' he whispered as he stepped closer to you.

'It's about you, George.' You looked him in the eye.

It all happened in a split second. George cupped your face into his hands, and he slammed his lips against yours.

You quickly pull away. 'You have a girlfriend.'

'But it's you I love,' and with that being said, he kissed you again.

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