Pregnant - Daniel Ricciardo

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After getting married to Daniel, all you wanted to do was start a family. You have been trying for months, without success. But last month, you found out that you were pregnant. You two were over the moon, and you couldn't wait to tell the world. But the two of you wanted to enjoy this moment first. So you told the family and your closest friends, but not everyone else. You decided to do that after the first trimester was over and that was today. A close friend of yours made some pictures that you could share on social media. It was a photo of three helmets: two big ones and a small one in the middle. You wanted to keep it close to your hearts, and that was racing. Your family's company was a big sponsor, and Daniel was racing in F1, so this was a picture that meant a lot to you.

'Are you ready?' Daniel said as the two of you had the picture set up and ready to put online. The caption was: Dropping in 9 months.

'I'm ready,' you said and posted the picture on your Instagram. Daniel followed soon after that, and the picture was up. The comments and likes started to come in, and your phone started to blow up. People from F1, fans and so many other people began to congratulate the two of you with the announcement. It got to the point were your phone stopped working. But it was good to see how many people were happy for you.

It was the first day at the track after you announced your pregnancy.t There were a lot of journalists asking when you were due and about the gender, but you decided to keep that a secret. It was still something you wanted to enjoy with Daniel and your family first, before telling the world. You made your way to the Renault facility and were shocked to see the whole team inside. They had put flags up, and they even had cake. You were congratulated by the entire team.

'But, before we start eating, we have a little gift,' Cyril said and gave Daniel a box.

Daniel opened it, as you looked curious about what it was. Daniel started to laugh as he pulled a mini race suit out of the box.

'For when it gets cold,' Cyril said.

Daniel held up the little suit, and it was so cute. It was so small that it made your heart melt.

'It's adorable,' you said.

'It's perfect,' Daniel mumbled. You thanked everyone before you started to eat the cake.

You were in the VIP area with Hanna, Sebastian Vettel, his wife.

'Look how we have here,' she smiled as soon as she saw you.

You walked over to her with a big smile on your face.

'Congratulations on the big news,' she smiled and hugged you.

'Thank you. How have you been?'

'No, we're not going to talk about me. I want to hear about you and the cute picture you posted on Instagram.'

You smiled, knowing what photo she referred to. 'It's a very cute photo, isn't it? But what about this?' You showed her a picture of the little race suit you and Daniel got.

'Oh my god, that is just the cutest thing ever!'

'It's like a ski suit or something. It's good for when it's cold outside, so I'm sure we're going to use it one day.'

Hanna nodded. 'These are very useful. But how did you tell Daniel? When did you found out?'

You told her about how you found out and how you told Daniel and your family. She talked about when she found out that she was pregnant with Sebastian's kid, and you two talked about pregnancy and babies.

8 months later, you brought a healthy baby girl to your lives. The two of you were over the moon.

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