Met him last night - George Russell

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"You were having a fun night, weren't you?" Your best friend asked you.

A smile crept on your face but disappeared immediately. "Yeah, I was. Have you ever thought..." No, it was crazy.


"Nothing, never mind," you mumbled as you started eating your breakfast.

"Y/N Y/L/N, speak up."

You looked up at your best friend. "Have you ever thought about the fact that the devil could be a human being? Just someone like us, walking here on earth. Because I think I met him last night."

Your best friend didn't say anything for a moment. "Why would you think that?" She then asked.

"The way his eyes lit up when the light hit them, the way his smile could enchant an entire crowd. It was everything about him. How is it humanly possible for someone to be so perfect?"

Your best friend laughed. "What did you two do after you left the club?"

"We had a conversation. He seems kinda funny, totally my type. But I can't wrap my head around the fact that it only took one conversation..."

"But that's a good thing!"

You shook your head. "I don't know if I'm ready."

"I can only tell you from experience that you will never meet another guy like him. Maybe he's the one, maybe he's not. If you don't try, you will never know."

"Wise words as always," you chuckled.

The two of you finished your breakfast and then got ready for the Grand Prix that would take place later in the day. Your dad worked in Formula 1, and this weekend he invited you along for a race. You have seen one race that you can remember, but somehow it didn't stick with you. Maybe it was because you didn't understand any of it. You took your best friend with you as support. The two of you would have a paddock tour and a tour through one of the team's garages. You two got ready and then went out to the track.

"And this is the Williams garage," your tour guide said. You entered the garage of Williams and looked around. Two cars were on both sides of the garage. But all your attention went to the guy standing next to the car. Your eyes met, and he smiled at you. For a moment, it felt like your heart stopped beating. It was him. The same guy from last night was here, wearing a Williams shirt.

"Isn't that...?"

"The guy from last night," you whispered.

Your best friend gasped. "Oh my god, I am so dumb. Why didn't I recognize him sooner?"

You looked at your best friend, not understanding what she meant.

"That guy is George Russell, one of the two drivers for Williams Racing. He is a freaking Formula 1 driver. God, I must have been really wasted last night not to recognize him. My gosh... Now I get what you mean, and I take back my words of this morning. You have to make a move, like right now."


Your best friend nodded. Something wasn't right by the way she looked at you.

"May we meet again," you heard last night. It sends chills down your spine.

You turned around and saw George standing a few inches away from you. "Hey! How are you doing? I didn't know you worked here." Worked here; how stupid could that sound.

George chuckled. "Yeah, last night was pretty fun."

"It was. Why didn't you tell me you were going to be here today?" You asked. Last night you talked about the fact that your dad made you come here.

"I didn't think we would see each other. Besides, I thought I would have a bigger shot if you didn't know that I was involved in this boring world."

Yeah, maybe that wasn't the best choice of words last night. "Maybe you could prove me otherwise." Damn. Some alcohol must still be in your system to get you this confident.

"I think I can do that. Just lookout for the blue car with number 63 on it," George smiled.

"I will. Definitely."


The tour guide announced that they were leaving again.

"Come see me after the race. I'll be right here," George said.

"Only if you prove to me that the sport isn't boring." With that being said, you found your best friend again. You looked back one more time before leaving the garage.

Once you were outside, you let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding.

"Damn, girl. You look rough. What did he say?"

"If he proves me that the sport isn't boring, I will meet him here after the race."

Before the race started, you started to google George and more about the sport. You tried to learn as much as you could so that you could actually watch the race with some knowledge and understanding of what was going on. The race was intense if you needed to describe it in one word. George started at the back of the grid, but he made his way up to P9. He had to pit, which was a complete disaster. One tyre didn't want to stay in place, so that took some time. But then he got back on the track and fought with some other cars to gain positions, and finally, he managed to finish P8. The whole race, your eyes were fixated on him. And he kept his promise. He showed you that this sport isn't boring at all. Now you had to keep yours. Your best friend was standing a few feet away from you while you waited at the garage for George.

After a few minutes of waiting, George walked out. The biggest smile grew on his face, and you could drown in that smile. It wasn't just his lips that were curled up; his eyes were twinkling as well. It was his whole body language that had you enchanted like it was the first time all over again. "You're here," George said.

You nodded and smiled. "You kept your promise, so I had to keep mine. You were really good out there. You should be proud."

"I am. We still have some things to learn, but overall we managed to do well."

"Yes, you did really well. Now about what you said earlier, you having a change with me? What do you think your odds are now?"

"100/100," he said. Before you could react, his lips were touching yours. Everything they say is true. The butterflies flying around, fireworks going off, the world around you stopping. It was just the two of you. It only took one conversation when you met him. You saw him as the devil; so beautiful and perfect. But now he's more like an angel; even more beautiful and far from perfect. Nobody is perfect. Maybe George is close, though...

"You're 100 per cent right," you mumbled as you pulled back from the kiss.

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