Babysitting - Daniel Ricciardo

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Raceweeks are fun, but it is also fun when the both are you are home, back in Perth, Australia. You try to get to do it as often as you can. Right now, you and your boyfriend Daniel are babysitting your sisters daughter. She is three years old and she is the most funniest girl ever. At the end of the day, you will have a stomachache from all the laughing. You see your family over FaceTime as much as you can, but being there is person is the best thing ever.

Right now, you were laying on the couch, looking how Daniel chased your niece.

'Come and get me if you can!' she yelled at him and giggled as she ran away. Daniel was obviously running very slow. He could easily get her, but he loved how she ran away from her and chasing her.

'I'm getting you!' he smiled and then picked her up. She screamed with joy. Daniel walked over to the couch and sat down next to you. Your niece immediately climbed on your lap and looking at you with her big puppy eyes. 'Cookie?' she asked.

'Maybe. I don't know if uncle Dan has any cookies.'

You niece looked over at Daniel.

'I think I have some cookies.' He jumped up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. Your niece got down from the couch and ran after him.

'You get your cookie when you sit down next to auntie Y/N,' you heard Daniel say. You had never heard your niece run so hard. She quickly got on the couch and sat down next to you, as if she had waited forever for her cookie. Daniel came back to the couch and sat down too. He gave her the biggest cookie and you had never seen a child look so happy. You loved how kids go so happy over the smallest thing. The three of you ate the cookie while you listened to the chatter of your niece.

After her cookie she went to play by herself while you and Daniel just watched her.

'She is the cutest ever,' Daniel said.

'I know. She is getting so big!'

'She is.' Daniel looked at you. 'Maybe we should start our own little family.'

You looked at him surprised. You never really had the kid talk. You knew he wanted kids and he knew you wanted kids, but you had never said it out loud like this.


'Hell yeah!' he said and leaned in to kiss you.

'Ewh!' you heard your niece yell and you both laughed. Soon you would have a child on your own and you couldn't wait for that time to come around.

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