Panic attack - George Russell

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Being friends with Alex Albon, George Russell and Lando Norris meant that there was never a dull moment. When they weren't driving or giving interviews, the four of you had the most fun ever. Being a family member of one of the drivers had its benefits. You got to travel a lot, spend time with your brother, but most of all: you got to spend time with your three best friends. It was always fun.

But today there was something else. You didn't feel like having fun. You had this feeling in your gut that you couldn't place. When there was a knock on the door, it took you a minute to get there and open it.

'Why aren't you dressed yet?' Lando asked and walked into the room. Alex and George followed.

'Is it time already?' you asked confused. You had no idea what time it was. All you knew that today was raceday.

'Yes, so put on some clothes, we have to go,' Alex said and opened the closet. You quickly walked over to him and shut it.

'I can pick out my own clothes,' you smiled sarcastically. Alex walked over to the couch and sat next to George. Lando was laying down on your bed. You opened the closet and picked out some random clothes: jeans and a t-shirt. You made your way to the bathroom, where you changed. You walked back, packed some things in a bag and then you're ready to coat.

'Aren't you going to bring a jacket?' George asked you.

You looked at him confused.

'It's 10 degrees outside, Y/N. You need more than just a t-shirt.'

'Right,' you mumbled and put on your jacket. Now you were ready to go.

George gave you a concerned look, while two other boys made their way out of the room. You quickly followed him. Not in the mood to answer questions from George. You didn't even know yourself what was going on. You just had a weird feeling. Maybe you were getting sick.

The four of you made your way to the track. You would be spending your day with Lando, because last weekend you spent with Alex and next week you're going to spend with George. You had that circle going on ever since you became friends with them. You weren't allowed in any of the garages, so you just hang at the motorhomes and watch the race from there.

Right now, you were sitting on the couch watching Lando warm up.

'Are you sure you're okay? You look a little bit pale,' Lando said to you.

'I'm fine,' you lied. You weren't fine. The feeling got worse and you were feeling slightly nauseous. And there was also the fact that your hands couldn't stop shaking. It was weird. You never had experienced this before.

'Y/N, you're not fine. Who should I call?'

'Nobody. I'm fine. Just tired.' You didn't look Lando in the eye. He knew you were lying and that something was wrong.

'Stop saying that you're fine. I know you and the girl who is sitting there, is not you. So I'm going to ask one more time: who can I call?'

You tried to swallow as the tightness in your chest became more and more. You tried to focus on your breath, to stay calm, but it had the opposite effect. Lando stopped with what he was doing and rushed over to you with a bottle of water. You pushed it away. There was no way that you could drink that right now.

'Please, Y/N, tell me what I can do. What do you need?' Lando laid his hand on yours, which you grabbed.

'I don't know what's happening,' you breathe out. You felt your heart starting to race. What in the world was happening? You head spun and you felt like you were sweating a lot.

'You're freaking me out Y/N,' Lando said, but it sounded far away.

You looked up at him in panic. He was right next to you. You felt like you could pass out any second.

'George,' you breath out. Lando understood what you meant and called George. You saw Lando his lips move, but you didn't hear a word he was saying. Your ears started to ring. Everything started to spin around you and you tried your hardest to stay focused and not pass out. You looked at the McLaren poster of Lando on the table and kept your eyes on that.

It felt like hours before you saw the door open. You looked up and saw George walking towards you, but it wasn't just him. He said down in front of you and you could see his lips moving, but you didn't hear a single thing. What the hell is going on? You started to freak out even more and you could feel the tears burning in your eyes. George cupped your face and forced you to look at him. You looked him in the eye. His eyes were so blue. Slowly, the ringing in your ears disappeared.

'Good, focus on me Y/N.' George looked at you, like he knew something was changing. 'You're okay. Just breath.'

After a few more minutes, your heart stopped racing as fast and your breathing became more normal.

'You good?' He asked you.

'Tired,' you sighed.

George sat beside you on the couch and carefully pulled you against him.

'Do you want to talk about what happened?' he asked.

'I would if I know what happened.'

'I think it was an panic attack. Have you ever had those?'

You shook your head. 'Never and there was nothing to be anxious about. I woke up not feeling well. I don't know what happened.' You had fully calmed down now and you were starting to get tired.

'Anyone has bad days sometimes,' Lando said. You looked up and saw that he was standing on the other side of the room, just as Alex Great. They all had seen you freak out.

'Why don't you take a nape here?' Lando suggested.

'We have to race anyway,' Alex said.

You nodded your head. You looked up at George. 'Will you come back after?'

'Of course,' he said. He planted a kiss on your head and you laid down on the couch. The three boys waved at you before walking out and you drifting to sleep.

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