Christmas morning - Carlos Sainz

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A smile grew on your face as you heard the voices downstairs. Today it was finally Christmas morning, a day of the year you loved. You quickly got into your Christmas onesie and made your way downstairs, finding your husband Carlos Sainz and your daughter in the kitchen, making Christmas pancakes. They were singing along to the Christmas songs and doing weird little danced. You smiled as you leaned against the doorframe, quickly taking a picture of the adorable moment.

'Good morning,' you smiled and walked into the kitchen.

'Buenos días amor,' Carlos smiled and gave you a kiss on the cheek.

You turned to your daughter and kissed her on the cheek too. 'What are you and daddy doing?' you asked her.

'Making pancakes in the shape of a tree!' She smiled proudly and pointed at the stack of pancakes they already made.

'We wanted to do breakfast in bed, but I guess mommy woke up from the music,' Carlos said.

'I could wake up like this every day,' you laughed. You sat down at the kitchen island as your husband and daughter went on with their pancakes. You quickly snapped another picture that you posted on your story on Instagram.

Carlos put all the pancakes on the table and put your daughter in her high chair. You started to eat the pancakes and talked about how you were going to see the rest of the family later today. You also explained why Santa hasn't come to your house. As the years before, he went to your parents' house. You loved opening gifts with the whole family, so you were always over at your family or Carlos'. Your daughter was fine with it and couldn't wait until she got to see her grandparents, but first, she wanted to see a Christmas movie.

'But first, we need to clean up,' Carlos said as soon as you were done eating. You helped him clean up, and then it was time for the movie. The three of you cuddled up on the couch.

Halfway through the movie, Carlos went to your bedroom. He came back with a present.

'Look Y/D/N, Santa left something here for you!' he said as he walked into the living room again. Your daughter turned around, and her eyes widen when she saw the big package.

'Is it for me?' she asked. 

'Yes! Do you want to open it?' Carlos put the gift on the ground, and your daughter rushed over to it. It was a pretty big package, which you wanted to give her. Your daughter started to unwrap the gift, and she began to scream in excitement when she saw what it was.

'Daddy, that's like your car!" she yelled and pointed at the box. Your daughter got an electric orange McLaren for kids. She has been talking about it for a while; she wanted a car just like daddy, and now she got one.

'Do you want daddy to take it out of the box?' you asked her.

'Yes, please!'                           

You and Carlos laughed as Carlos got the car out of the box. Your daughter was so in awe of what she saw. She got in the car, and Carlos explained a few things to her. With a big smile on her face, she started to drive around the living room. Carlos looked at you with a big smile on his face. He probably liked the car just as much as your daughter did.

'Now I can drive just as fast as daddy!' she yelled.     

'Daddy is still faster,' you laughed. Carlos started to run after your daughter trying to catch her. You already knew that this was the best gift she could ever get.

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