Sickness - George Russell

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It was another day on the grid and to say that you felt terrible was an understatement. You were so sick, but you wanted to support your boyfriend, George Russell. It wasn't every day that you were able to see him, and you flew out late last night to surprise him, and you didn't want something like this to get in the way. So, you were standing in front of George, his drivers room, gathering all the energy you had to knock on the door.

The door went open, and George looked confused at you at first, but then a smile grew on his face. 'What are you doing here?' He wrapped you in his arms and planted a kiss against your head.

'I wanted to surprise you,' you said and smiled, realizing in your boyfriend's arms.

George let you go and looked at you. He noticed how pale you were and the dark circles underneath your eyes. 'Are you okay?'

You nodded. 'Yeah, it's just a cold,' you said to calm him down. You didn't want him to worry about you. He was about to start his race, and he didn't need to worry about you.

'I'm glad you're here.'

You were making your way to the garage with George. Every step you took felt heavier. You started to have trouble breathing. You had to stop walking. 'George,' you breathe out.

He turned around and looked at you, worry all over his face when he saw the shape you were in. 'It's not just a cold, is it?'

You shortly shook your head. 'I'm sorry,' you mumbled.

'Don't apologize. Just tell me next time,' George told you gently. 'We're almost at the garage where you can sit down, okay? Someone is going to take care of you there.' George hated it that he had to get in his car when you were sick. He wanted to be the one to take of you, but he had a job to do.


George wrapped his arms around you, and you slowly made your way to the garage.

Before you entered the garage, your vision started to get blurry. Black spots appeared in your vision, and you knew it was bad. 'George, I can't see,' you mumbled. Your ears started to ring, and it was like your whole body started to tingle, before you felt your feet collapse underneath you.

'George, I can't see,' he heard you mumble. As soon as he turned around, he saw your body collapse. He catches you before you could hit the ground.

'Somebody help!' he yelled.

He laid your body on the ground and looked at your unconscious body, not knowing what to do. Aleix, his trainer, was the first one to come out of the garage.

'What the hell happened?' he asked as soon as he saw your body on the ground.

'She's sick, and she just collapsed. What do we do?'

'We're bringing her to the nurses her on the track. But you have to be in that garage.'

George shook his head. 'No way. I'm not going to leave her!'

'You have no choice. Why is she here anyway if she's sick?'

'She wanted to surprise me,' George mumbled and sighed.

'I'll take care of her. As soon as I know more, I'll let you know, but you have to get in that car George.' Aleix picked up your body from the ground, and he started to walk away.

George looked as he walked away. He felt like it was his fault. If he wasn't there, then you would be at home in bed, not fainting on the track.

George made his way into the garage, but he was not in the mood to race. All he wanted to do was take care of you, but his team was counting on him.

Your eyes slowly opened. You sat up and looked around confused, seeing that you were in the hotel room. How in the world did you get here? Your eyes fell on George, who was sitting on a chair, looking at you.

'How did I get here?' You asked him.

'You fainted before there race. Aleix took you to the nurses. You have been awake several times, but going back to sleep right after. Why didn't you tell me how sick you were?'

You sighed. 'I wanted to surprise you so bad. I already had booked the tickets, and to be honest, I didn't felt this bad when I got on the plane yesterday. It was this morning when I woke up feeling like shit. I didn't want to ruin the surprise, but I guess I did,' you mumbled.

George walked over to you and sat down on the bed. 'You didn't ruin the surprise. I'm glad you're here. Even if you've been sleeping all day.' A smile grew on his face.

'I'm sorry,' you mumbled again.

'Don't apologize. Just get some sleep, so you feel better, okay?'

'Will you lay with me?'

'Always.' George laid down on the bed next to you and you cuddled up against him.

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