Lost - Callum Ilott

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This one is requested by . I hope you like it.

You were walking around the track with your nephew. He was 7 years old and obsessed with fast cars. It was his birthday a few days ago, and you decided to take him to a Formula One race. Your boyfriend, Callum Ilott, was the reserve driver for Ferrari this season. You both gave your nephew the full experience. You would see the race and also have a look in the garage.

Callum was already waiting outside the garage when you arrived.

'Hi,' you greeted him and quickly kissed him.

'Hey,' he smiled, and he looked at your nephew. 'Happy birthday, little man. Are you ready to look at the fast cars?'

Your nephew nodded. 'Yes!'

'But before you go on, I have a little gif for you.' Callum gave your nephew a box.

Your nephew opened it, and it revealed a Ferrari racing suit in his size.

'You have to be fully ready to get in,' Callum smile.

'Wow,' your nephew mumbled. You helped him putting the racing suit on, and then you and made your way inside. With big eyes, your nephew looked around. Callum explained some things and introduced him to Carlos, and Charles, who signed the cap he had on. He even got to sit in the car for a little bit. Then it was time to watch the race.

Your nephew was in awe the whole time. He had the biggest smile on his face and couldn't get over the fact of how fast those cars got.

After the race, you made your way back to the paddock to meet up with Callum again. But when you got to the garage, your nephew was no longer by your side.

'What the hell,' you mumbled as you looked around. Was he playing a prank on you?

'Y/N, I'm almost done,' you heard Callum say.

Your head shot up, and your eyes met his. 'He's gone.'

'What do you mean?'

'My nephew! We made our way done here, and now he's gone!' you yelled.

'Y/N, calm down. We'll find him,' Callum said.

'Calm down? How am I going to calm down? I don't know where my nephew is. How am I going to explain that to my sister?'

'Let's just look for him, alright. We'll split up. Calm me when you find him.'

'Okay.' Callum squeezed your hand before running off.

You walked around the paddock, looking in every corner to see if your nephew was there.

Suddenly, you saw him standing next to Daniel Ricciardo.

You called for your nephew and rushed off to him. He hugged you as he cried.

'Shh, you're safe. I won't let you go,'' you said to him.

'I saw him walking around the paddock, and he looked lost. I helped him find you,' Daniel explained.

'Thank you,' you sighed in relief.

Daniel smiled at you and walked away.

'Come on. Let's find Callum, and go home,' you said to your nephew.

He shook his head. 'I want to see the fast cars again.'

You laughed as you wiped away his tears. 'We'll wait until Callum is done, and then we have to get you back home to mum and dad, sorry, bud.' You quickly texted Callum that you found your nephew and that you were on your way to the Ferrari garage to meet up with him.

Callum finished the last things, and then you started to make your way home. Your nephew, on the other hand, wasn't quite ready to go home.

'Come on. We have to go to mum and dad,' you said.

'No, I don't want to go,' your nephew yelled. You were almost at the car.

'Let's keep it fun, okay? We had a fin day, but it's over. I'm sorry, bud.'

'I don't want to get to mum and dad. I wanna see the fast cars again!'

You shook your head. 'Get in the car! We're going home.' Your voice raised a little bit.

'Come on, little man. Let's get in the car, and make a detour and stop at McDonald's,' Callum said.

Your nephew sighed but got in the car. You made sure he was all seated, and then you got into the car as well. 'Thanks for everything today,' you said to Callum.

'No problem. It was fun to see the big smile on his face.' 

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