Argument - Lando Norris

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After today's qualifying session I got inspiration and wrote this. I hope you all like it. 

To say that your boyfriend Lando Norris was gutted was an understatement. McLaren looked strong all weekend, and one small mistake cost him the front row for the race. For P2 to P7... Somehow it made Lando feel a little bit better that you were there. But on the other side, he wanted to be alone more than ever.

You just arrived at the hotel, and Lando hasn't said a word. In the elevator up to your room, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little. Lando didn't react.

When you got to your room, Lando still hadn't said anything.

"Should we go down for some comfort food?" You suggested. You had no idea what you could do to make your boyfriend feel better. You had never seen him so upset before.

Lando looked you dead in the eye and went: "Unlike you, I can't eat my feelings away."

Your weight has always been an issue to you, and ever since you started dating Lando, it became worse. You had peace with your body after many years of struggling, but dating Lando meant that people had options about you, and a lot of the time, they were about your body. The fact that so many other girlfriends looked like models didn't help at all. Lando knew this. He knows how you feel about your body, and for him to say something like this is like a knife stabbing you in the chest. "I'm sorry?" You asked quiet, in shock of what he just said.

"Unlike you, I can't eat my feelings away. I have a fucking diet," he snapped at you.

"Wow," you mumbled. "Alright. Well, have fun by yourself," you said and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"To get my room. I'll see you when your mood has changed." With that being said, you walked out of the room. You so hoped that Lando would run after you, that he would say that he made a mistake, but he didn't. You fought against the tears that were burning in your eyes.

You made your way to the front desk.

"Can I help you?" The lady behind the desk asked.

"Can I book a room for tonight? It's for one person."

The lady shook her head. "I'm sorry, but we don't have any rooms available right now."

"None? I don't care if I have to sleep on a mattress in a broom closet."

"I'm sorry, but everything is booked right now, giving the event that is happening this weekend."

Of course... It would be naive to think that there was a room available. "Alright. Thanks anyway," you said and looked around. What next? You can't sleep on the street and giving this fancy hotel. There was no way you could fall asleep on one of the chairs in the lobby.

You didn't know a lot of people on track. Only some people from McLaren and a few drivers you were close with because of Lando. There was no one you wanted to stay with, someone from McLaren. That is the last place you wanted to be. You decided to try George Russell. He is probably the one you talk most to. You got in the elevator and went to the right floor. You knocked on George his door.

"One second!" he yelled.

You waited a moment, and then George came to the room. He was wearing a robe, and he looked like he was busy.

"Oh god... Are you busy?"


Before George could answer, you started to talk again. "I'm sorry. Forget I was here," you said and hurried away.

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