Winning - George Russell

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George was gaming on the computer with his friends, while you were giving it a go on the sim. You had been driving on it before, and it was actually quite fun to do. You and George were dating for almost a year now, and it had been so much fun. The two of you both share a love for fast cars, so driving on the simulator was something you loved to do too. Whenever George wasn't driving on it, and you were in the mood, you just sat behind the wheel and drove until you were no longer feeling it.

Today was also one of these days. George had been gaming with his friends, and you wanted to be closer to him. You had no idea what it was, but you just wanted to be in the same room as him. So you sat down behind the wheel and started driving on the sim. At first, George didn't pay much attention to you until Lando noticed how good you were doing.

'Mate, she just put a hell of a time,' Lando said.

George turned around and looked at you. You were currently P1 and purple in all sectors. 'She beat my time,' George mumbled.

You smiled widely as you turned into the last corner. You crossed the finish line as P1.

'How am I going to beat this?' George complained.

You turned around and looked at him with a smile. 'You don't.'

'Y/N, I'm going up against you,' you heard Lando yell from the computer.

'Mate my ears,' George complained and put down his headphone. 'Let me disconnect this so we can both hear you.' George disconnected his headphones, and you heard Lando talking how he was going to beat you.

'Let's see how it goes,' you said, and George helped you set up the game, so you were racing against Lando. The countdown started, and you made yourself ready. You went full throttle gas in the first straight.

'Y/N, what the hell!' you heard Lando yell as you quickly passed him before the first corner. A smile grew on your face. Hearing the other driver made it even more excited.

'How in the world di you do that?' George asked.

'I'll explain later. I have to keep Lando behind me,' you quickly said and focussed on the screen.

You were halfway through the 4 lap race when Lando suddenly passed you, going way faster then he did before.

'You ass!' you yelled and pressed down the paddle to go even faster. You took the corners with more speed, and you passed Lando again when you only had one lap to go.

'Come on, Y/N. You can do this,' George cheered you on.

'Shut up,' you snapped at him. You needed all your focus right now.

You heard Lando laugh. 'Mate, she's even worse than you,' he laughed, and it sounded like he was almost crying.

'I'm not that bad!' George yelled at Lando.

'Yes, you are!' Lando yelled back.

The 4lap race was finished, and you got P1. 'Look at that! I just won from a Formula One driver. Lando, you suck at this game. You're better at Fall Guys.'

'I suck at Fall Guys!'

'Exactly my point,' you smiled and turned to George.

'That was hot,' he smiled and kissed you.

'Euwh, come on, guys! There are kids here!' you heard Lando yell and you and George both started to laugh.

'I thought you didn't want to be called a kid,' George said.

Lando was silent for a moment. 'It has been fun. Y/N, congrats. I'm signing off. Please, don't make any babies. Thank you. All though I would love to have a mini Y/N or George, please not today or you will scar me forever,' Lando said.

You just couldn't hold it any more and trust out into laughter. 'Who do you think we are, Lando?' You laughed.

'I don't know, but to me, it sounded that it wasn't only going to be a kiss, so bye,' Lando said and hung up.

You looked at George and couldn't help but laugh. 'That guy is insane,' you laughed.

'Is he?'

You stopped laughed and looked at George. 'Are you serious right now?'

'About the kid thing? Yes. I do want to have kids somewhere in the future.'

'Thank god,' you sighed in relieve. 'I love you, but we're not having kids yet.'

'No, not yet. In the future, someday,' George said.

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