Fight - Daniel Ricciardo & Max Verstappen

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'You know, you're such a dick. Maybe this is the reason why I didn't tell you!' You yell at your brother Daniel Ricciardo.

'He is not good for you, Y/N.'

'He is good for me. He has been the kindest guy I have ever met. He treats me with respect and has no intention to hurt me. You can't do anything about this.' You stared down at your brother. He just found out you have been in a relationship with his teammate Max Verstappen.

'Oh I can. From now on, you're not allowed in the garage and on the paddock.'

You looked at your brother in disbelief. 'And how are you going to do that? You're not the boss of me.'

Daniel grabbed the pass from your neck. 'I can. You no longer have acces to the track. You won't see or talk to Max again.'

'Max can let me back in.'

'He can't, because I will talk to Christian, who will not allow it. You brought this on yourself. How stupid can you be?'

You looked at your brother. Never have you thought that he would react like this. You knew he was going to be mad at first, but you never expected him to take away your pass. This isn't the brother you knew. 'Fine. But you don't even talk to me again.' With that being said, you walked away. You passed Max on the paddock, but you acted as you didn't see him. You made your way into the motorhome and grabbed your stuff.

'What are you doing? The race is about to start,' you heard Max said behind you.

You turned around to him. 'I'm not longer a guest here. Daniel found out about us and he flipped. He's going to talk to Christian.'

Max' eyes widened. 'What did he say? He can't just take away your pass like that. I'll get you a new one.'

'He can. If Christian agrees to it, it's over. I have never seen Daniel like this. He acted like I was dating the devil. He told me to never talk to you again. So I told him that he could never talk to me again.' You looked up at Max.

'That bad?'

You only nodded.

'Max, we have to go now!' you heard someone yell.

'Just go. I'm going to have to leave and you have to race. Just be careful and beat my ass of a brother,' you said to Max.

'I will definitely do that.' You kissed goodbye and then he left. You grabbed the last of your stuff. You looked around one last time, before you made your way outside. You took everything in for one last time. Because Daniel was the first driver, he had actually power to take away your pass and he would made sure that you wouldn't come back. One last time, you greeted the people on the paddock as you walked out. There was no going back now. You were no longer invited to the track. You sat down on a bench as you listened to the cars. You just couldn't bring yourself to watch the race.

You sat down on the bench for the entire race. You listened to the cars, looked at the people who would walk by, while you waited for Max. You just didn't understand Daniel. Why would he say all that stuff? All your life, he has been the most supportive ever. You told him almost everything and you were so close together. Now you didn't even recognize him and you told him that he could never talk to you again. Thinking back, you just should've walked away. Now you might have lost your brother. And to be honest, you were not in the mood to night. At least not today. All you wanted to do was go to the hotel and lay in Max his arms why he told you stories.

The race was over. Fans, employees and drivers, slowly started to make their way home. You just sat on the bench, waiting for Max. He called you as soon as he was done.

'Are you still here?' he asked.

'Just right by the entrance. Is Daniel still there?'

'Jup. Talking to Horner as we speak.'

You sighed. 'Just come as fast as you can. I want to get out of here.'

'Will do.'

You hung up and looked at the entrance, waiting for Max to come out.

Once you finally saw your boyfriend, you got up from the bench. You slightly smiled at him, but that faded as soon as you saw your brother and Christian Horner behind him. The two of them were chatting happily. Max walked straight over to you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

'Let's go,' he said. He grabbed your hand and the both of you walked away, until you heard someone call your name.

'Max, Y/N, wait!' You turned around and saw Christian walking towards you.

'Do you have a moment?'

Max looked at you. You nodded.

'What's up?' Max asked.

'Daniel came to talk to me, about your relationship and that he doesn't want Y/N near the paddock or the circuit,' he told you.

'Can you do that?' Max asked.

'I'm sorry. Just let everything cool down and maybe Dan will change his mind. Have a good night.' With that being said, Christian walked away. You stood there in shock for a moment. He really just told you that you weren't welcome on the track anymore, all because you were dating Max Verstappen.

'Unbelievable,' you mumbled.

'Tell me about it,' Max sighed.

It has been a week since you last talked to Daniel. You have talked to your mom, who said Daniel regret it so much. But he said what he said and you were hurt by his words. You were banned from the circuit and he acted like Max was the devil, which he has not. Daniel should know that. He knows Max and he knows that Max would never hurt me.

There is a knock on the door of your apartment. There was no race this weekend, so you were back home with Max in Monaco. You opened the door and looked at your brother Daniel, who looked like shit. He looked like he hadn't slept in three weeks and ran all the way from Australia to Monaco.

'Can we please talk?' he breathed out.

'As long as you don't yell or say bad things about my boyfriend, then sure.' You tried to keep cool, but it was hard. You have never seen Daniel like this and you wanted to hug him, even after everything that happened last week.

'Deal.' You stepped aside so Daniel could walk in. Max was just out for a run, so it gave you about an hour before Max would be home again. You sat down on the couch, while Daniel started to pace around the room.

'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have sat what I said. I just heard that Horner was going to kick me out and I was stressed and there was things with the car and I just acted it out on you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You're my sister and I wish you all the love in the world. Max is a great guy and I shouldn't have acted like such a dick. I am so so sorry,' Daniel said as he finally sat down on the couch.

'Horner is kicking you out?'

'Jup. And I don't mind. It's just that almost every team for next year is confirmed and I don't know if I will be driving next year and that scared the shit out of me. I took it out on you and I'm so sorry.'

'I should say sorry too. I don't want you to never talk to me again. You're my brother. I can't live without you.'

A slight smile grew on Daniel his face. 'So, we're good?'

'Are you okay with me dating Max?'

'Yes, he is a great guy. Although I wish you would maybe not choose an F1 driver as a boyfriend, I'm happy for you.' You smiled and Daniel and hugged him.

'I also got you this,' he said and got something out of his pocket. It was a new pass.

You just laughed and thanked him, glad everything between the two of you was okay again.

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