Flirting - Lance Stroll

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This one is requested by smallbuschwacked I hope you like it!

'Good morning beautiful,' Lance said as soon as he spotted you.

'Good morning to you too, Lance. How is the track looking this morning?'

'No better then you are.'

You laughed. 'That is seriously what you're going with? Man, no wonder why you are single,' you laughed and hugged him. Ever since you joined Formula One as the first female driver, you and Lance had been pretty close. Lance was the first one to accept you into this world, maybe that was also due to the fact that you were his teammate. For every other driver, it was something they needed to get used to. It was a significant change, and some needed more time than others. Lance, on the other hand, accepted you right away and you had been best buddies ever since. You shared a lot of laughs together, and there was no way that you didn't have feelings for him, but it just stayed with flirting and teasing and you were fine with that. Having a relationship with another driver would only complicate things.

'But seriously, how is the track looking?' You asked and let go of Lance.

'Good, I think. I'm just excited to drive.'

You laughed. Your smile disappeared when you saw Lawrence making his way over to you. 'Your dad is coming,' you mumbled.

'So? I can talk to whoever I want.'

'I don't think he likes me very much, so I'm just going to go. Good luck with the race and I'll talk to you after?' Before Lance could say anything, you were off.

Lance sighed before he greeted his dad.

'Why were you talking to that girl?' Lawrence asked.

'She's my friend, dad. You know that.'

'You should focus on the racing, not some girl.' Lawrence put his hand on Lance his shoulder and pushed him into the garage. Lance got to work with his engineer.

'Before we go on, I just need to ask one thing,' his engineer asked.

'What's that?'

'How are things between you and Y/N?'

Lance started to smile, which made the engineer laugh. 'She's hilarious and beautiful. Every time we see each other, I walk away with a hurt stomach from all the laughing. She-.'

'Lance, what did I say? Don't focus on that blondie,' Lawrence snapped at his son.

Lance turned around and looked at his dad. 'What did you say?'

'You heard me.'

'Did you just call her a blondie? Really dad?'

'I can call her whatever I want. I bet she's kissing all the drivers ass.'

That was it for Lance. 'How dare you to say that? She is my friend, and she is the most beautiful girl in the world. The fact that you're saying that says more about you then it says about her. And you don't get to talk about her like that ever again. She has worked hard for what she got, and she deserves everything in the world. If you can't see that, then I don't want you around.'

Lance's eyes widened when he saw you standing behind his dad. 'Y/N,' he mumbled.

'I... I just wanted to wish you good luck, but I guess this is not a good time.' You looked at Lance, who looked with sorry in his eyes. You clearly weren't supposed to hear that.

'No, you can stay. My dad was just leaving,' Lance said and looked at his dad. Lawrence didn't say anything and just walked away.

You walked over to Lance and handed him a small package. 'I wanted to give you this. I know how the last races didn't go very well, so I thought you might want some good luck.'

Lance opened the box and saw a necklace with a Hamsa eye.

'It's a Hamsa eye necklace. It's believed to keep away all the evil eyes that are on you. It brings happiness, luck, health and good fortune. It will also improve your confidence, and you will do well in your upcoming competitions,' you explained. 'It's cheesy, I know.'

Lance looked up from the gift. He had no idea that you were so sentimental about things like this. 'No, thank you Y/N. It's not cheesy at all. It's perfect,' Lance said as he was a little perplex. 'Thanks,' he said again and hugged you. Your eyes locked and he kissed you. You smiled when you pulled back. 'If this doesn't bring good luck to the race, I don't know what will,' Lance said. You both laughed. You finished P8 and Lance P7.

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