FaceTime calls - Lando Norris

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Because it's Lando his birthday today I'm going to post an extra one shot! This one is not very long, but I just thought it was very cute and I wanted to share it. I hope you like it.

Lando was sitting on the wall between the pitlane and the circuit. Lando has always been one to stay late at the track to help the team clean up.

Today was one of those days, but he felt the need to call you and so he did. While sitting on the wall, he FaceTimed you.

'Hello,' you smiled at the camera. 'How did everything go?'

'Pretty good. Could've had a better result if I didn't have that lock up at the end, but it's fine. Next time I'll just do better.'

You smiled at the camera. 'It was fun to see you race with Alex and George again.'

Lando, his smile grew bigger. 'That was definitely fun. It was like we were back in F2 or in our rookie year.'

You laughed as well.

Lando fell silent as he looked at you. 'I miss you,' he sighed.

'I miss you too, but just 24 more hours and then you'll be home again for a week. We can have plenty of fun.'

'Can you join the next race?'

You swipe away the FaceTime call so you could look in your agenda.

'Why did you swipe me away?'

'So I look at my agenda, you idiot,' you laughed. You looked at your agenda. You were free from your internship Friday through Tuesday, so it could be possible for you to join the weekend. 'I can come along with you,' you said and opened the FaceTime call again.

Lando was making weird faces, which made you laugh.

'Who is that?' you heard the familiar Spanish voice ask.

'Carlos!' you yelled as he appeared on your screen.

'¿Buenas tardes, Comó estas?'

'Very good. How are you? Did you enjoy the race?'

'I enjoyed it a lot. It was sad I didn't make it through turn 3 almost halfway through, but it was very fun to watch for a change.'

'Can I now talk to my girlfriend again?' Lando asked, and you could hear that he was annoyed. He was never the type to get annoyed so quickly if you talked to another guy, but you could just tell that he was needy right now and wanted your attention.

'Oh, he's needy,' Carlos laughed, but waved goodbye to you and walked away.

'Carlos was right,' you said.

Lando rolled his eyes.

'Just 24 for more hours babe,' you said, to calm him down in some way.

'I just wish I could be there right now.'

'I know. But we can call for as long as you want and that's kind of the same.'

Lando nodded. 'I still have to help to clean up with some things,' he mumbled.

'Then you do that as quickly as you again and just call me back when you're done.'

'Okay. I love you.'

'I love you too.'

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