Studying - Charles Leclerc

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Being in a relationship with a Formula 1 driver was never easy. You had to accept the fact that he would be traveling a lot. Most of the time you saw your boyfriend Charles Leclerc on FaceTime. Because you were still studying, you couldn't go with him to every race. You tried to be there as much as you could, but with exams coming up, it was a lot harder. You spend most of your free time studying, which meant that you didn't go to the races on the weekends.

You were busy studying when heard the apartment door opening. You didn't even look up. You were too busy with studying. You were so with it. You were tired and all you wanted to do was lay in bed with your boyfriend, but you had a few things to finish before you were done for the weekend and you wanted to finish it as quick as possible.

'Hi,' you heard Charles say as you heard him come closer.

'Hey,' you mumbled. You took a sip of water and continued to study.

'How is studying going?' Charles asked you.

You sighed. 'I don't know. We'll have to see the results next week if my work payed of or not.' You hated waiting for your results. You had one more exam to go and you had no idea if you did well or not. You hated it. It also didn't help that you were tired. If one thing would go wrong, you would end up crying.

'You studied your ass off. Your results will be good.'

You didn't reply to it. Charles couldn't know if you did wel on your tests or not.

You needed to do one more paragraph, but you just couldn't focus any more. As tired as you were, you laid your head on the table and fought against the tears. You had so little to do, but you just couldn't finish it. You tilled your head up, the first tears now streaming down your face. You quickly wiped them away, took the paper in your head and started to read again. You screamed the words in your head, but they didn't stick.

'Are you okay?' Charles asked. You looked up at him. He was standing across from the table.

'No. I have to read one more thing, but I just can't. It's like I read it, but I have no idea what it says. I just can't do it.' You broke down crying. Charles quick walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you.

'Why don't you take a little break? Just calm down, reset your mind and then you start again. Should I read it to you? I can do it for as long as you want me to, until you remember it?' He suggested.

You looked up at him. He wiped away the tears from your face. What in the world did you do to deserve him as your boyfriend? You slightly smiled and nodded, before resting your head on his shoulder again.

After you calmed down, he started reading the last paragraph to you. He did it so many times, that you eventually heard him saying it in your head. The next day you had your last exam and you felt really good about. When you got your results the week after that, all your hard worked paid off when you saw that you had passed all your exams.

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