Accident - Daniel Ricciardo

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Races are exciting. It is so much fun to watch your boyfriend Daniel Ricciardo fight for his place on the track, but it also comes with so much anxiety. You know where he is going to start, but you don't know where he's going to finish. It always the nerves that come with it, the adrenaline, but it's also so much fun. But never you would have thought that you would be cheering on your boyfriend. But here you are, cheering on for Daniel Ricciardo, along side his family.

'Have fun okay? And be safe,' you say to Daniel as he gets ready to leave to the garage.

'Always,' he says and gives you a quick kiss. He quickly hugs his mom and dad and then he's off. You sit down next to his mom Grace, while his dad gets some coffee and talks to some people. You can already see that Grace is just as nervous. It's exhilarating to see him drive, but also the most nerve wrecking. All you hope for is a save race.

After a while, the race starts. Daniel is off to a good start and makes his way from P10 to P5. It went pretty well for Daniel, but several other drivers had to stop because they had something happening to the car or crashed. Your leg bounced up and own while you were anxiously looking at the screen.

And then it happened. You could almost see it happening in slow motion. Daniel tried to take over Max, but he kept defending his spot. Max and Daniel crashed into each other and you saw you Daniel spun on the track and crash into the wall. For a moment, you felt you heard stop. You had your eyes glued on the screen.

'Is he okay?' you heard Grace yell.

'Daniel, are you okay?' You heard someone say over the radio. There was no answer back.

You grabbed her hand as you all waiting for an answer from Daniel.

'Daniel, are you okay? Can you hear me?' There was a red flag. That was not a good sign. The safety car was now on the track and you anxiously looked at the screen.

'I'm okay guys,' you heard Daniel say as he got out of the car.

You sighed in relief and it felt like you heart started to beat again. He was okay. He would probably be pissed off, but he was okay.

'Thank god,' you mumbled and relaxed a little. All you wanted to do now, was to get Daniel as soon as possible. You looked at Grace and Joe, who were looking very worried.

'I'm going to the garage,' you said to them. They only nodded, still a little bit in shock from what happened. You quickly got up from the chair and ran down to the garage.

'Where is Daniel?' you asked as you walked in. His car was here, but you didn't see him.

Michael walked over to you. 'He is getting checked out by the paramedics right now. But he's okay. Just sore.'

'Thank god,' you sighed in relief. 'He really got me there for a moment.'

'He had us all. But he is pissed at Max. He should have let him overtake, but Max didn't let him. I also heard that Max is pissed at Daniel so that is fun.'

'But Max is okay too?'

Michael nodded.

'Good. Now, where is he?'

'Right here,' you heard behind you.

You turned around and saw Daniel standing there. He already got out of his racing suit and changed into some comfy joggers and the hoodie.

Now that you saw him, you really knew that he was okay. Without saying anything, you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him closer.

'Thank god,' you mumbled. This was something you were scared of all the time. Luckily he got out without a scratch, but it could have been very different.

'I'm okay,' he said and pressed a kiss on your cheek.

'You scared the shit out of me,' you said as you let him go.

'Tell me about it,' he sighed.

'But you're really fine. No pain?'

Daniel shook his head. Normally he would make a joke out of it. It was obvious that he was still in a little bit of shock.

'Good. I love you,' you said to him.

'I love you,' he said and hugged you. You stood there for a moment, hugging him again. You could tell he was upset. He was doing so well and then he crashed because of his teammate.

You pulled back from the hug and turned around to Michael. 'Is he ready to go home or does he need to do some interviews?' you asked Michael.

'You can take him home. I'll see you Tuesday afternoon.'

You nodded. You grab Daniel his hand and then you both head home, thankful that he is safe.

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