Night - Alex Albon

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You looked over at the bed and saw your boyfriend perfectly asleep. You were sitting in the window, looking out over the city at night. The moon was high in the sky, and you could see the stars clearly. There was something about the night that you loved. There was nobody here. There was nobody who had an option about you. The whole world was just quiet. Dating a Formula One driver came with the fact that a lot of people had an opinion about you. At first, you didn't give a shit about them. But the longer you stayed with him, the more you started to give a shit. You wanted to be liked. You were a part of his life, and you didn't like all the negativity that was being said in the media. But there was nothing that you could do about it; it's just how humans are. At night, that's where the thoughts started. You started to overthink, and eventually, you couldn't sleep anymore. You would stay up all night and watch the stars, enjoying the quiet moments.

Tonight was no different. It was another race weekend and the media day just happened, and there were a lot of things being said about you and your relationship with Alex Albon. People were already criticising him for his crash last weekend, and now they brought up your relationship, stating that it was only because of you that Alex was still at Red Bull and so on. That wasn't the case at all. You being the daughter of Christian Horner had nothing to do with this. You met Alex before he joined Red Bull. You two talked to each other for a good year or so before he asked you one a date, which happened to be in the same week as he got signed to Red Bull.


You looked away from the window and saw Alex sitting up in bed.

'I'm right here,' you said.

'Come cuddle, it's cold.'

You chuckled and walked over to Alex, laying down next to him.

Alex pulled you closer to him and pressed a kiss against your head. 'Couldn't sleep?' he asked.

'No, just thinking about today,' you answered.

Alex sighed. 'You know that it's not true. They're just talking bullshit, trying to get a reaction to write about a scandal.'

'I know, but still. It keeps me thinking. They're just mean people, looking for sensations.'

'They suck.'

'They do.' You both laughed.

'But try to get some sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.'

'Right, we have that dinner. Fuck, I forgot about that. Who's going again?'

'Charles, Charlotte, George, and his girlfriend, and Lando with his girlfriend. Pierre is probably coming too,' Alex said and started to play with your hair.

'Hmm,' you mumbled. It was actually quite relaxing having Alex play with your hair. 'You should do this more often,' you said and smiled.

'What? You like me playing with your hair?'

'Yeah. It reminds me of my mom, how she used to do it when I had a nightmare, and I would crawl into her bed. She would just lay with me and stroke my hair until I fell back asleep.'

'But I do it better,' Alex said and pressed a kiss in your cheek.

'For sure.'

After a while, you got up out of bed.

'Where are you going?' Alex asked.

'Hell, most likely,' you joked.

Alex looked at you, confused.

'To the bathroom. I'll be right back,' you chuckled and kissed him before you went to the bathroom. You did your thing and walked back to find Alex looking at his phone. When he looked up at you, a smile curled on his lips.

'Have I ever told you how beautiful you are, and that I love you?'

'You have, but I don't mind hearing it again.' You crawled back into bed, laying your head on his chest. 'I love you too,' you smiled.

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