Goodbye - Lando Norris & Carlos Sainz

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I'm so sad to see Carlos leave to Ferrari. Him and Lando were truly the best duo so far, but I'm also excited to see Daniel with McLaren and him and Lando together.

This weekend was the last race of the 2020 calendar. It had been quite a year, but now it was time to film the last video for the McLaren YouTube channel. Carlos was leaving McLaren, and the whole team had a surprise for him. It was small, but it was the thought that counted. You were travelling with McLaren all season. You were their video/photographer, and you were also Lando, his girlfriend. It made things a lot easier now that you travelled with the team. You were quite professional during the day, but it was good to be so close to Lando all the time.

'Welcome ladies and gentlemen, this is the last video with me in it. We're going to look back on this year, talk about the highs and the lows, and I'm going to see goodbye to you all, but not yet. Because first, we have to look at the first race of this season, where Lando got on the podium for P3!'

Lando smiled from ear to ear as the little montage was played. 'That is insane. It stills feels like yesterday, but at the same time so long ago,' Lando said.

Lando and Carlos had the most fun during this video. They laughed like they had never before, and it was for sure, going to be a fun video.

'But now, before we end the video, we have a small gift for you,' Lando said.

You made your way to the front of the camera. 'This is a small gift from the team. You've been with us for two years, and we all want to thank you for your hard work. You'll be missed,' you said as you handed Carlos his present. The whole team was in the room, all watching how Carlos would open his gift.

'You didn't have to do this,' Carlos said.

'Oh, but we did,' Lando said with a cheeky smile on his face. You and Lando thought of this, and somehow everybody loved it. And you were sure that Carlos would love it. 'Designed by the one and only Y/N and Lando,' Lando said.

Carlos opened the box and immediately started to laugh. It was a blanket with faces from the whole team on it. Carlos and Lando's heads were slightly bigger than the rest, but everybody was on it.

'Now you can dream about all of us,' you chuckled.

'This is amazing. I love it. It also so soft,' Carlos said and hugged you and Lando.

'I'm glad you like it. We worked really hard on it,' you said.

'It's a gift from all of us by the way. Those two are just taking all the credits,' someone shouted. Everybody laughed.

'Now I'm going to hug all of you,' Carlos said and started to hug all the people. You wanted to walk over to the camera to take some more shots, but Lando stopped you.

'What?' you asked while looking up at him.

'Nothing, I just wanted to say hi.'

'Hi,' you giggled.

'Hi,' Lando smiled and pressed his lips on yours.

'Now, that's one thing I'm not going to miss,' you heard Carlos say.

Lando looked up at Carlos. 'You were the one who told me to get a girlfriend!'

'I did, but I didn't expect you two to be so gross.'

'Oh, shut up. We're not that bad,' you defend yourself and Lando.

The whole team started to laugh again. 'You are.' 'Sometimes you two are glued together.' Comments from the entire team began to come at you.

'Alright, we get it,' you laughed. You quickly pressed a kiss on Lando's cheek, and you made your way over to the camera to get some more shots from the night. It was sad that Carlos was leaving, but you all had fun this whole year, and you were glad that Carlos liked his present.

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