Winning - Max Verstappen

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This one was requested by starktowerstories I hope you like it. Max really deserved that win! And I'm so glad that McLaren got that third place in the constructors. It was a great way to end the season, but I'm sad it's over and we have to wait till march 2021 to see them race again. I am officially crying until March 2021.

'You did it!' you yelled as you hugged Max. He won the last race of the season! He started from P1 and held that place during the race. It was very nerve-racking, but it was also so good to see him win!

'Congratulations,' you said and kissed him.

'Thanks, babe. God, this was a race,' he smiled.

'And you worked hard for it. Now get your stuff done so we can celebrate,' you smiled.

Max kissed you again before walking to his team and got ready for the interviews that he needed to do.

After a while, Max was done with all his responsibilities for the day. With the biggest smile on his face, he walked towards you.

'How do you want to celebrate tonight?' you asked him.

'I don't care. As long as you're with me,' he said and kissed you.

You looked at the screen and noticed that they were broadcasting a recap of the year. 'Let's watch this first,' you mumbled as you remembered all the races. Tears filled your eyes from all the happy moments, but also the sad ones; Max who won, but also how he got 5 DNF's, Grosjean his crash, how Hamilton became a world for the seventh time. You were all there for it. You experienced every moment, and it was just sad that another season was over. But next year is a new year where everything is possible.

'What a year,' Max mumbled beside you.

'You can say that.' You looked up at him. 'But you've done it. You finished the season on a high. Next year is a new season with hopefully many more wins,' you said.

'We'll have to see how next season will turn out.' Max wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and the two of you made your way to back to the hotel. You quickly changed before you headed out to party with the team.

You were in the middle of the party when the music stopped playing. Everybody looked at the DJ and saw Christian standing next to him, holding a microphone.

'What a season. What a year. We finished it off on a high. Max, you did incredibly. You showed the Mercedes what we can do and what we'll aim for even more next season. Alex, incredible drive as well. A podium as well this year. Good job! Also to everybody else how is here tonight, but also back home, we wouldn't be here without you all. Thank you all. Now let's continue celebrating this win!' Christian said. Everybody clapped and cheered. He handed the microphone back to the DJ, and the music started to play again.

You turned back to Max.

'I love you so much,' Max said.

'I love you too. I can't wait to spend Christmas with our families and just have fun and relax,' you said.

'Me too. I know it's not Christmas for a while, but I got you something,' Max said and handed you a small box.

You looked at him in shock. 'You didn't have to do this,' you said.

'You don't even know what's in there,' Max laughed, and he slowly opened the box, while going down on one knee.

'Oh my god,' you gasped and covered your mouth with your hands.

'Y/N, I love you so much. You have been by my side through the lows, but also the highs. I want you to bere there for everything, the highs, the lows and the middle. I want you to be by my side as we go through this together. I want a family with you and grow old together. You are the love of my life, Y/N. Will you marry me?'

'Yes!' You said as the tears streamed down your face. You bowed down and smashed your lips into Max'. 'I love you so much,' you said as you pulled back.

He got the ring out of the box and put it on your finger.

Excited cheers filled the room. Everybody was clapping for the two of you.

Not only did Max win a race, but he also proposed to you on a day that you never expected it. It was a day you would always remember.

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