Fight - George Russel & Lando Norris

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You were standing in front of the McLaren facility. It was the first time that you were here ever since you got into a fight with your best friend, George Russel. He really hurt you with the things he said, and you haven't spoken to him since. George hadn't reached out to you, which probably meant that he was still mad too. You too had said some words which weren't nice, but you were mad. It also didn't make it easier that you had feelings for him.

Your brother was Lando Norris, and this weekend you were supporting him. You divided your time between Lando and George the best you could, but since you and George were not speaking to each other, you would be spending with Lando from now on.

'Y/N, come on!' Lando yelled, who was already standing in the garage.

You crossed over to the McLaren garage when you spotted George. You quickly looked away from him and hurried into the garage.

'Are the two of you still not speaking?' Lando asked.

'No, he was being an ass.'

Lando rolled his eyes and walked over to his engineer. 'Just talk to him!' He yelled at you.

'Fuck off!' You yelled back and held up your middle finger. You walked over to Charlotte. 'Can I help with anything?'

'You can make some social content if you want? Lando told me that that's what you're studying?'

You nodded. 'Yes, it's basically about everything that has to do with social media.'

'Cool. Just try to see if you can make some videos or ask Henry if you need help with anything. He can take some high-quality pictures or videos. You're free to do anything.'

'Thanks, Charlotte.' You took out your phone and looked around for a moment. If you would be a fan, what would you want to see on the socials? Of course, content from the drivers, but also what is happening before the race or before the car is out on the track. You got some ideas, and you started to shoot some videos and pictures. You got Henrik to help with some things, and in a little bit of time, you had created a lot of social content. You sent everything to Charlotte. You helped Henrik with some other things back at the McLaren facility.

You got a text, which caught your attention. George had texted you.

Can we talk?

You sighed but replied back.

Sure. When?

Now? Meet me in front of the Williams garage.


You said goodbye to Henrik and made your way to the Williams garage. When you got there, George was already waiting for you.

'Hey,' he greeted you.

'Hey, where do you want to talk?'

'Follow me.' Without saying anything more, George walked away. You followed him. You got to a quiet place of the paddock, where nobody was.

'I'm sorry for what I did,' George started.

You didn't say anything.

'I should've thought before I said those things, I didn't mean them.'

'That's what they always say, don't they? You say you didn't mean, but at the moment you did; otherwise, you wouldn't have said it,' you said.

George sighed. 'I fucked up, Y/N, I did, and I'm sorry.'

'Sorry won't fix anything if you don't mean it, George. First, you don't show up from my project, then you say all those things about me. And now you're simply saying that you're sorry. I just...' You didn't want to say it, but this wasn't the first time it happened, and you were done with it. 'I can't keep doing this, George. How can I count on you as my best friend when you pull this shit? I think it's better if we go our own ways.' Without waiting for his response, you started to walk away.

'Please Y/N, let me make this up to you.'

You turned around. 'There is nothing you can do to fix it, George. And the worst thing is. Is that I think the world of you. God, I don't want to, not after this. But I still do because I. Can't. Help. It.'

George rushed over to you, and before you knew it, his lips were on yours.

You softly pushed him away. 'We can't. Lando is your best friend as well, and he's my brother. And I'm really pissed at you right now. We can't do this, I'm sorry,' you said and walked away. The tears burned in your eyes. You had promised Lando not to date anyone from the grid, but here you were falling for your best friend and his for god sakes. All you wanted to do was turn around and kiss George again because for that split second it felt so good, but you had to walk away. You had to let him go. It was over. You two couldn't be friends anymore.

You took a few deep breaths and walked into the McLaren garage.

Lando was talking to Jon. He looked up at you when he saw you walk in, and he could see that something wasn't right.

'What happened?' Lando asked.

'I talked to George. I'm going to be here from now on,' you said.

Lando looked confused at you, not entirely understanding what you were saying.

'We're not talking anymore.'

'What did he say? Do I need to beat him up?'

You shook your head. 'I don't want to talk about. Just let it go. You have a race to ride.'

'She's right, Lando. You have to get going,' Jon said as he handed Lando his gear.

'Fine,' he said and got ready. You looked at the screen and sighed. Nothing is going to be the same anymore.

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