Challenge - Alex Albon

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This one is requested byuniquejulia. I hope you love it just as much as I loved writing it!

With your dog and your best friend, you were walking through the woods. It was a lovely day to go for a long walk, and you had some time to kill before your boyfriend Alex Albon would come home for another race weekend.

'Don't you hate it when he's gone so much?' your best friend asked you.

'I do, but it's his job, and he loved it, so I support him. Sometimes it is hard, but we try to make the best of it. I try to travel him with much as I can. But I think it makes our time together even more special,' you said.

You heard a familiar laugh, which made you stop walking.

'What is it?' your best friend asked.

'I heard Alex laugh,' you said, confused.

Your friend raised her eyebrows. 'Are you having a stroke or something?'

You heard it again, and your friend seemed to hear it too. 'Let's go check it out,' you said and dragged her along with you into the direction of the laugh.

From a distance, you saw your boyfriend laughing with his friends Lando Norris and George Russell. You saw the familiar logo of Sky Sports, they were filming something for the tv. Alex was walking around in an inflatable ballerina suit, and it looked hilarious. Lando thought the same because he couldn't stop laughing. George was just putting on his inflatable ballerina suit.

'What in the world are they doing?' your friends asked.

'Sssh,' you shushed her. You were trying to hear what they were saying.

'Today we have Formula One drivers Lando Norris, George Russell and Alex Albon, who are taking it up against each other in our new challenge: ballerina wrestler challenge,' the host said as he explained what the goal of the challenge was.

The corners of her mouth curled up as she saw how much fun the three boys were having. You tried to be as quiet as possible to just observe from a distance. But somehow, Alex saw you. His eyes met yours. His hand went up, and he shortly waved at you, trying to be as discrete as possible, so that the other guys wouldn't notice you.

'Is that Y/N?' Lando asked Alex, who had seen him waving.


'What is she doing here?'

Alex shrugs his shoulders. 'Probably walking the dog or something. She likes to be out in nature whenever she has the change, and it's the perfect weather for it.'

'Look at you smiling,' George commented.

Alex felt his cheeks warming up.

'It's Y/N,' Lando said.

'Where?' George asked and looked around, but didn't see anybody.

'Up there,' Lando said and pointed right at you.

The two boys waved at you, which made you smile even more. The host of the challenge also looked in your direction, but you and your best friend quickly ducked away, trying not to be seen. You didn't want to be a distraction for the boys, and you wanted to stay as long as possible. You hadn't seen Alex in what felt like forever, and you could stand here all day just watching him goofing around with his friends. The host didn't see you and they went along with the challenge.

Suddenly, your dog sprinted away in the direction of Alex. You yelled for his name, but of course, there was no use in that. The dog ran up to Alex, woofing in excitement. He jumped up to Alex, who was still in his ballerina suit. As good as he could, Alex tried to pet the dog, but the suit was in the way.

You quickly made your way to the group of people to get your dog.

'There she is,' Lando said when you arrived.

'Hello, guys. I'm so sorry for the interruption,' you apologized to the host.

'It's fine,' he said, recognizing who you were.

'What a fun surprise,' George said.

'You definitely look lovely,' you said and started to laugh. Your dog had calmed down a little bit and began to walk circles around Alex, trying to get some attention from him. But because he was in the ballerina suit, there wasn't more that he could do.

'We look horrendous,' Alex said. 'Look at us. We're sumo ballerinas. Nobody is going to take us seriously after this.'

'I think you look very well. If F1 doesn't work out, you can always become a sumo ballerina,' Lando said and burst out in laughter.

'You look great,' you said to Alex and quickly kissed him. You grabbed the dog leash and looked at the three boys. 'Have fun doing the challenge. I'll leave you up to it,' you said and looked at Alex. 'I'll see you at home.' You smiled at him and waved to the boys.

'Bye Y/N,' Lando and George said in a high tone and waved you goodbye before they burst out in laughter.

'Stop it,' you heard Alex say.

You shook your head with a smile and made your way back to your best friend.

'Let's go home,' you said to her.

Alex dropped his bag on the floor as he stepped into the hallway. The dog immediately ran up to him. You paused your movie and looked into the direction of the hallway. Alex walked into the living room and let himself fall on the couch next to you, your dog crawling on his lap.

'I see you ditched the ballerina clothes for your own clothes,' you joked.

Alex rolled his eyes. 'That was the worst thing I ever did, but it was very funny.'

'It looked funny. At least Lando and George were having a good laugh.'

'Oh, they were. They love how you showed up and how this little guy ran up to me,' he said, referring to the dog.

'I had no idea that you were going to be here. I just went out for a walk with my best friend, and suddenly I heard you laugh. She thought I was having a stroke for a second, but then she heard you too,' you told Alex.

'It was alright. It was a good surprise,' he said.

You smiled. 'It was. I missed you.'

'I missed you too,' he said and kissed you.

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