Panic attack - Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris

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Your boyfriend Charles Leclerc was walking around the paddock, looking for you. He hadn't seen you after he finished qualifying. You were in the garage when he left, and when he came back, he had no idea where you were. Nobody had noticed you leaving.

Charles ran into Lando, your twin brother. 'Have you seen Y/N?' Charles asked Lando.

'Nope. I'm looking for her. I thought she was with you.'

'She was, but she wasn't in the garage anymore.'

'Did she seem off to you?' Lando seemed hesitated to ask the question.

Charles raised his eyebrow. 'No, why?'

'I don't know. I just have this feeling. It's weird.'


'I don't know... I don't know how to describe it.' Lando looked at Charles, clearly concerned about his sister.

'Alright, I'm going to look in my room. If she isn't there, I'm going to search the paddock. If you find her, call me or let her call me,' Charles said.

'Will do. Same goes for you.'

Charles nodded and made his way to his drivers room.

You were in the garage when Charles left to start the qualification. The whole day you had this feeling like something was about to happen. You had no idea what the feeling was, but you were just anxious all day. It was also the fact that your hands couldn't stop shaking, and your heart was beating a lot faster than it usually did. You tried to look at the screen and focus on Charles, but it made it even worse. Then slowly, you started to recognize the signs. It happened to you before when you were at the race. You had a panic attack when Charles crashed into the wall. It was almost nothing, but it set something off in you. The last time you had a panic attack, you were working. You were under so much stress, and you had to do so much in such little time that it trigged something. Right now, you showed the same signs you had then, but now there was nothing that could've triggered it. Yes, you had been more on edge ever since the crash in Spa in 2019, but it was never this bad.

You quickly left the garage and made your way to Charles his drivers room. Nobody needed to know what was going on. If they said to Charles that you had a panic attack, he would come back right away. You never told him about this panic attacks, you didn't tell anyone. You didn't want to bother them which such a silly thing.

You made your way to Charles his room, and you said down on the chair. You put on some music, trying to distract yourself. The first song that came up was the favourite song from you and Charles. As quickly as you could, you swiped it away. The next song came on, and it helped you relax a little bit, but it still wasn't enough. Your leg was now bouncing up and down. You closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. You needed to calm down, or it would fully set off.

After a few minutes of trying, it hadn't had any effect. You stood up in anger and started to pace around the room. Why couldn't you stop this bloody panic attack? You ran your hands through your hair and started to get more and more frustrated. The tears burned in your eyes. When you looked at the screen, you saw how Lando got in contact with Charles, which sent both of them onto the gravel. You looked in horror at the screen. This was nothing. They were both fine and only had small damage on the car. But you couldn't stop thinking of what could've happened. They could've crashed into the wall. What if it was the both of them that wouldn't make it out of the car in one race? What if one would be okay, but the other wouldn't? Oh my god... you sat down on the chair as you started to get a little dizzy. Your panic attack was now fully set in.

The tears made its way down your cheeks as you tried to calm yourself down. Your breathing was going way too fast. The last time, it stopped when you put on some music and distracted yourself, but it didn't work. The imagine of Lando and Charles crashing replayed in your mind, how they both didn't make it out of the car alive. You placed your shaking hand on your heart, gripping onto your shirt like it was going to do something. You were gasping for your air. It felt like you were dying. You truly felt like this was the end for you. Your vision started to get blurry.

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