Anxiety attack - Lando Norris

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You woke up with Lando still laying in bed. This was something rare for a practice day. Normally he would be up and running around the house. He would be working out or racing on the sim. You turned on your side and saw that he was staring at the ceiling.

'You okay?' you quietly asked him. In the mornings he is normally super active. Now he looks like he just got back from a race.

'Just tired,' he mumbled.

You crawled up against him and pressed a kiss on his cheek. He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer.

'You excited to drive today?' You asked him.

'Always,' he answer, but it didn't sound very enthusiastic. You had the feeling that there was something more going on than just being tired. It wasn't like him at all to not be enthusiastic about driving. He loved driving; if it was a race car or not. Sometimes you two would drive around the town, just because he wanted to drive or he would drive you too work, because he wanted to drive. So him not being happy about driving is something weird. It's not that is has never happened before, but it's rare.

After laying down for a moment, you then grabbed your phone and saw that Jon has called you several times and texted you multiple times too. You got out of bed and walked to the kitchen while you called back Jon.

'Morning,' you said to him as he picked up the phone.

'Morning, where is Lando? We were going to work out before he needed to be on the track today,' Jon said.

'He is still in bed.'

It was silent on the other end for a moment. 'What did you say?'

'He is still in bed. He said he didn't sleep very well.'

Jon sighed. 'I'm going to be at your hotel door in ten minutes. He better be ready or I'll drag him out of bed.'

Normally you would laugh at his comment, but Jon didn't see the look on Lando his face this morning, or heard his voice. 'I'll tell him that. The door is unlocked, so you can just walk in.'

'Great. See you in ten!'

'Bye!' You hung up the phone and poured yourself a cup of coffee and one for Lando. You walked back to the bathroom and sat the cup down on the nightstand.

'Jon is going to be here in ten minutes,' you say to him and take a sip of your coffee. You quickly change yourself.

'Have you already got something to eat?' You asked Lando, even though you know he didn't eat anything.

'Not yet.'

'You want anything from roomservice?'

'No thanks.'

Lando not wanting food? That was also not a good sign. The door opened and Jon walked in. You quickly pushed him back into the hall before Lando could see him.

'He doesn't want to eat,' you whisper to Jon.

'Is he sick?'

'I hope not. He doesn't look sick, but something is off. Maybe he'll talk to you.'

Jon nods.

You both walk back into the room. Jon walks over to the bedroom while you clean up some of the stuff. After a few minutes, Lando walks out with his bag. He really does look tired.

'We'll be going to the track right away. Are you coming with us now or later?' Jon asked you, while Lando just kept quiet.

'I'll come by later. Text me if there are any updates I need to know about,' you say, referring to Lando.

'Will do.'

You just arrived at the track when your phone rang. Jon was calling you.

'What's up?' you said as you scanned your pass and walked in.

'It's Lando. He's not sick. He was just not feeling well. His anxiety really set off about a few minutes ago and he's now having an anxiety attack. I can't calm him down.'

Shit. You knew Lando had a history with anxiety. It doesn't happen a lot, but when it does, it's bad. 'Where are you?'

'In the room.'

'I'll be there as fast as I can. I'm at the entrance right now. Try to calm him down, with a slow song or tell a story. Whatever helps him take his mind of the anxiety,' you tell Jon before you start running like a maniac. People look at you confused, but you don't care. You have to be with Lando as soon as you can.

Once you arrive at his room, you see a few people standing outside, including Carlos.

'Has he kicked everybody out?' you asked him.

'No. Jon is the only one in there with him. What can I do?'

'Act like nothing is going on. Pretend you're hanging out here and not lingering in front of the door. Lando doesn't want to make a big deal out of this,' you say to Carlos and then you step in the room. Lando is sitting down in front of the couch and he is breathing very heavy. Jon looks at you with a concerned look on his face.

'I got it,' you whisper. Jon nods and walks out of the room. You quietly sit down next to Lando. He looks you in the eye and you can see the panic in his eyes.

'I'm going to hold your hand, okay?' You ask, so he doesn't get scared by your sudden touch. Lando nods and you grab both of his hands.

'Now look at me. Listen to my voice. What are five things that you can see?'

'You,' Lando breaths out.

'Good, now four more,' you say.

'Couch... window... bottle... straw,' he breathes out.

'What are four things that you can feel?'

'Your hands... the floor...the cold bottle...'

'One more, Lando.'

'My sweater.'

'Good, now three things that you can hear.' You can see that Lando is slowly calming down. His breathing is not as heavy anymore.

'The cars, the chatting outside and your voice,' he says with a slight smile on his face.

'What are two things that you can smell?'

'Your perfume and my deodorant.'

'What's one thing you can taste?'

'This water,' Lando sighs and holds up his water bottle. Lando takes a few deep breaths and then leans against the couch.

'Good. You want to talk about it?'

'It started last night. I don't know why. There was just this feeling of worry about today and it got worse until the point were I couldn't breath. I probably scared the shit out of Jon.'

'He will be fine. Will you be fine to do the first practice?'

'Yeah. I'll be fine. I just need a moment.' Lando stands up and lays down on the big couch.

'You wan to cuddle?'

You smile and nod. You quickly text Jon that he's okay, but needs a moment of quiet. Then you lay down next to Lando. It sucks when this happens, but you're glad that you can be there for Lando.

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