Let me go - Carlos Sainz

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This one is requested by miekritingg. I hope you like it! 

Your alarm woke you up and you groaned in annoyance. You just wanted to sleep for a few more hours. Your boyfriend, Carlos Sainz, had the same idea and pulled you closer to him. You smiled in his chest and just relaxed for a few more minutes. It was nice to wake up and just lay in his arms. If it was up to you, you could here lay all day. But you couldn't, you had to go to work.

'Carlos, I have to get ready for work,' you whispered and pressed a kiss on his jaw.

'Five more minutes,' he answered, half asleep.

'It's been five minutes already,' you giggled. 'Let me go, I have to get ready.'

'No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed.'

'Carlos, I have to go to work.'

'No, not today. Call in sick.'

'I can't they're counting on me. Please, let me go.'

'Nope, you're staying in bed with me, mi Amor.'

You tried to get out of his grip, but he was just holding you too strong.

After a few minutes, you gave up and sighed. 'Fine, I can stay for five more minutes.'

'No, not good enough.'

You rolled your eyes. Carlos could be quite annoying when he wanted something and especially in the morning. You just ignored his comment and laid in bed for five more minutes.

'If you let me go, I can look at my phone to see how long I can stay,' you said to Carlos.

He looked at you, doubting it for a second, but then he let you go.

'I love you,' you said and pressed a kiss on his cheek before getting out of bed.

'Oh come on,' he groaned. 'You played me!'

'I have to get to work, I'm sorry,' you said as you started to get dressed.

'At least I can have this pretty view while waking up.'

You shook your head and threw your shirt in his face. You quickly got ready, since you were already running a little bit late.

You walked over to your bed and grabbed your phone. You got around the bed and kissed Carlos. He wrapped his arms around your neck, and you knew he didn't plan on letting go soon.

'Carlos, I have to get to work.'


'Why are you being such a needy child this morning?' You giggled. You so badly wanted to give in to a day off, but you couldn't just drop everything and take a free day whenever Carlos felt like it.

'I just want to spend some time with my girlfriend.'

'But your girlfriend has to work.'

'Yeah, it's annoying.'

'You are annoying,' you chuckled. 'Now let me go before I'm going to be late.'

'I don't care.'

'Can you imagine me talking to my boss about why I am late? Oh sorry, but my boyfriend didn't want to let me go this morning. He's needy and wanted me home. He's going to kick me out for that reason.'

'You're one of the best, he's not going to kick you out for being late.'

'But I hate being late, you know that.'

'That's why, if you leave in 15 minutes, you're still going to be on time.' Carlos kissed you again and let you go.

'Thank you,' you said.

'Do you want me to drive you to work?'

'If you want?'


You got out of the bed and headed downstairs to make some breakfast, while Carlos put on his clothes. When he got downstairs, you handed him a cup of coffee, and you ate your breakfast. After breakfast, you finally headed to work. 

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