Anxiety - Pierre Gasly

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This one is requested by formula1_lover I hope you like it.

'Are you sure that you want to do this?' your boyfriend Pierre asked you for the thousand times.

'I'm sure. I'll be fine,' you said, trying to ensure him that you would be okay, but you already felt your anxiety coming up. For the first time, you were on the track with your boyfriend to meet the team and some of the drivers. He wanted to introduce you to them for so long, but you never felt ready. This weekend you did, so you came along with Pierre. Only now that you were standing in front of the gate, your anxiety started to come up. You were really nervous about meeting them. What if they didn't like you? Thoughts like that went through your mind, but Pierre tried to keep you from thinking. You had told him about your anxiety, so he knew the signs and what to do if an anxiety attack kicks in.

'You can take the car back to the hotel if you really don't want to do this,' Pierre said.

You shook your head. 'I've come this far, I'm not going back now,' you said and walked towards the entrance. You scanned your pass and walked through the little gates. You turned around and saw that Pierre was right behind you.

He grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss to your cheek, which made you smile. 'You're going to love this.'

You made your way to the Alpha Tauri facility as you ran into some journalists. They asked Pierre a few questions and then walked ahead of you to get some shots of the two of you. But a few people turned into a bug crowd you were now surrounded with. You turned your head around to see if there was any way out, but they all seemed to get closer and closer. You felt your heartbeat rise and your hands started to shake. This isn't going to end well if you don't get out now.

'Pierre, I need to go,' you breathed out. But because of all the journalist around the two of you, he didn't seem to hear you. For god sakes. You started to get dizzy, and you knew this was getting bad.

'Pierre,' you said again. He didn't respond. You tried to focus, but there were so many people around you that you couldn't do anything. Black spots appeared in your vision. The ringing in your ears became louder until that was the only thing you heard. Your hand slipped away from Pierre's as you fell to the ground.

Pierre felt your hand slipping away from his. When he turned around, it was already too late. You were lying unconscious on the ground. Shit. 'Everybody get back!' he yelled. He picked you up from the ground. The press got out of his way. 'Same on you that it takes somebody to faint for you to give some space,' he snorted while he stormed of with you in his arms. He rushed into the Alpha Tauri facility.

'She fainted, and I don't know what to do,' he said as he laid you down on one of the couches.

'She has anxiety, hasn't she?' Pyry asked as he rushed over to Pierre.

'Yeah. The fucking media blocked our way. Dickheads,' he growled as he looked at you. He just wanted to introduce you to the team. He never wanted you to faint, and it was all because of those assholes.

'Just give her a few minutes. She'll be fine. Why don't you lay her down in your room and wait there until she wakes up? That way she won't freak out too much when she sees all the people in here.'

Pierre nodded and took Pyry's advice by taking you to his room. He laid you down on the couch, and he sat on one of the chairs across from you.

When you opened your eyes, you had no idea where you were. You saw Pierre, who was sitting across from you. You slowly sat up, which caught Pierre his attention.

'You're awake. How do you feel?'

'Confused. Did pass out? I did, didn't I? Oh my god. They probably think I'm crazy,' you rattled.

'You're not crazy. Those fucking assholes should've given you space,' Pierre said and walked over to the couch. He sat next to you and pulled you against him. You laid with your head against his shoulder.

'I'm sorry for ruining the day. I know how much you were looking forward to introducing me,' you mumbled.

'You didn't ruin anything, Y/N. The media did like they do most of the time. Don't blame yourself for what happened. If you're up for it, I can still introduce you. But if not, that's okay, and someone can take you back to the hotel, or you can stay here,' Pierre said.

'No, I want to meet them. If I leave now without saying anything, they'll probably think I'm weird. Like who shows up at the track, passes out and then leaves without saying anything? Not me anyway, so let's do this,' you said and stood up from the couch.

'Are you s-.'

'If you're going to ask me that one more time, I will punch you in the face,' you joked.

'Alright. Let's go then,' Pierre smiled.

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