Accident - Charles Leclerc

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'I'm getting in the car right now,' you say to your boyfriend Charles Leclerc. After a long day at the office, you could finally go home. You were tired to say the least, but you couldn't wait to get home and snuggle on the couch with your boyfriend.

'Are you sure I shouldn't pick you up?'

'I can drive pretty well myself, mister,' you chuckled as you stepped into the car. You put your phone in the holder and set everything up.

'I know. But I like to drive.'

You stared to laugh. 'I know you do. But I like it too.'

'Are you going to hang up?'

'Nope.' You quickly switched the call to FaceTime, so you would be able to see your boyfriend. You saw he was laying on the couch. You couldn't wait to join him.

'I'm driving now,' you said as you stared to car and drove off. 'What did you do today?'

'Nothing much. I did some racing on the sim, I worked out and just chilled a little bit. I even started with dinner already.'

You laughed as you turned on the highway. It was about 30 minutes before you would be home.

'How was your day?'

'Exhausting,' you sighed. 'We had so much stuff to do and two people were sick, so it was busy and then we had some problems with the WiFi and then my boss blamed it all on me, like it's not my fault the WiFi sucks at your company. It's not my fault that people get sick.' You overtook a car and then switched back to the right lane. You don't know why, but the car behind you stared to move faster and came really close to you.

'You look worried,' you heard Charles say.

'Just some ass on the road,' you complained and tried to focus on the traffic in front of you, but almost every second you gave a glance in the rearview mirror. The car was getting closer and you almost felt like he was doing it on purpose.

'Be careful.'

'Always. But some people are not.' You looked back in the rearview mirror. The car was dangerously close to you. If you had to use your breaks now, the car behind you would end up in your trunk.

'I'm just going off the highway now. This man is pissing me off.' You took the exit and drom the right mirror, you could see it going wrong. There came a car out the middle of nowhere and closed up on you. You slammed on the breaks, but it was already to late. The car hit you and send you spinning over the highway. You could hear Charles yell your name. You knew it was happening fast, but somehow it felt like time was slowing down. You looked at the holder, where your phone no longer was. Then the car hit something else and you felt how the car flew threw through the air.

The next thing you knew, was that you were laying upside down in your car. You felt something wet dripping down from your face. Did you hit your head?

'Y/N! Are you okay?!'

'Charles,' you whispered.

'I'm right here, babe. I'm right here. People are coming to help you okay? Are you in pain?'

'No...' You felt nothing. There was no pain, no fear. It was probably because you were in shock. You heard other people yelling to call for help and then someone sat down on the ground next to your car.

'Are you okay?'

You slowly turned your head to the side. 'I think so.'

It was a young woman, probably a little bit older. 'Help is coming. I'm Melissa, I'm a nurse at the hospital. What is your name?'


'Y/N, don't try to move to much, okay?'


'Is there someone I can call for you?'

'My boyfriend. He's on the phone.'

'Right now?'


The woman leaned a little bit more into the car. 'Your phone is on the other side. I'm going to get it okay? I'll be right back. Don't move.'

You didn't answer. It felt like your heart was beating in your head. You got more tired and all you wanted to do was sleep.

'Y/N, you still with me?' you heard Melissa say.

'Yeah,' you mumbled. You could tell that your voice sounded weaker. It was probably not a good sign. You heard Melissa talking, probably to Charles. Melissa sat down next to you again, holding your phone in your hand.

'Your boyfriend is on his way. The paramedics should be here soon.'

'Okay.' Melissa turned the phone around and you saw Charles on the broken screen.

'How are you doing babe?' He asked.

'Tired,' you mumbled.

'You have to stay awake Y/N,' Melissa said with a strict voice.

'I just want to sleep,' you mumbled and you eyes slowly closed. You could hear Charles yelling your name, but you just couldn't open your eyes.

'Be safe okay,' you said to him as you kissed him one more time.

'Always,' Charles smiled. He smiled at you and then got into his car. Dating a Formula 1 driver is not easy. You love that he does something he is so passionate about, but you hate that is can be so dangerous. Every time you hope he comes back in one piece. You hope that the other drivers be safe and that everybody comes back in one piece. Ever time there is a crash, your heart skips a beat. Charles could easily be the next. You know that is a risk of the sport, but you hate it. But if he weren't an F1 driver, you would probably never met him.

You walked to the common era where you sat down with some other family members. Sometimes you spend your time in the garage, but being around other people who were just as anxious and excited was something you needed.

The race started and with a smile you looked at the Ferrari car who easily passed the two AlphaTauri and a Haas. He was of to a good start.

The rest of the race went very well. There was one lap to go and somehow Charles managed to get second. You were on the top of your seat, hoping he would catch up to Hamilton and beat him. Being second was already so good, but finishing first would be even better. You saw how the two got close to the finish. You heard on the radio that Charles had to give everything he had and he did. It was very closed, but he got first place. You jumped up from happiness and made your way to the garage as quick as possible. You wanted to be the first one to congratulate him.

Charles was already in the garage when you got there.

'You won!" you yelled at him and jumped in his arms.

'I won,' he smiled and kissed you.

'I love you so much,' you said to him.

'I will always love you, Y/N. Forever.'

Slowly you opened your eyes. For a second, the light was blinding.

'Welcome back sleeping beauty.' You slowly turned your head to the side and saw Charles sitting next to the bed, holding your head. His hair was messy and you could see he was tired.

'You're going to be okay,' he smiled and kissed your forehead.

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