Chapter 16

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Sophia's POV.

We were done with bathing together, and I could confess it was so sweet. Torian could pass as one of the most romantic guys. He had a way of making you wet and moan against your wish. That was it. We ended up having sex when I never planned for it.

It was so clear in his eyes that he was so much in love with me. Little did he know I would have to pluck out his heart later in the future; he is a man who is meant to be killed by me.

The witch love spell seemed to be a very strong one.

I can only feel a little sorry for him as he isn't aware of the death lurking around him. I'm not a demon, but to get revenge for my father, I had to sell my soul to the devil and give my body to the demon king who had sex with me at will so as to give me the powers I desired and that made me become a vessel for demons.

A lot of rituals were also carried out so I could hide my demon scent and my demon nature. It was all painful, but I bore it all to avenge my mother's murder, which was carried out by Torian's father.

This is a secret he thought we knew nothing about. Alpha Darren had killed my mother after he raped her when she came to serve him his meal at night as he ordered.

My father was a mere pack warrior then.

Darren had gotten furious, and forced himself on her when she refused to succumb to his sex appeal. She threatened to tell the world what he did, even after all his pleas.

My mother was so pained that she was never going to accept his plea to keep it a secret, so he dragged her back when she made to leave and stabbed her chest continuously till she died. Yes, my mother died that night.

He covered it so well by sending his guards to take her body to the vampire boundary, making it look like she was attacked. They had also plucked out her heart so it would look real.

Little did he know, the royal spy saw it all and told Dad and I.

Hot tears gathered in my eyes and I had to snap out of the memories to save my tears. I had cried enough in the past and now, I shouldn't cry anymore as I'm not that weak 10 year old girl who couldn't do anything other than watch her father weep in anguish at the loss of his mate, my mother.

All those years, I cried. Now I'm back for revenge.

Alpha Darren would be the one next to cry and gnash his teeth as I would make sure I make them lie in ruin and become slaves to the demons. I can't wait for the Alpha to lose everything he cares about, including his son and wife.

At that moment, he would realize how terrible it feels; how heartbroken and shattered one can be when someone they care about is taken away.

I can't just wait for that day when Alpha Darren would lie under my father's feet, crying and pleading for his life. Very soon, I will have accomplished my mission.

With the help of the demon clan, I will win.

"Sophia!" I heard Torian call, and that made me flinch as I snapped my head to him, fluttering my eyes and trying hard to return to my usual self. I was really drowning in sadness mixed with rage at the thought of the past just now.

"You look disturbed..." Torian added, locking his palm with mine as we stood in the middle of the room, clad only in our towels as we had just finished bathing together. His face was drawn as he scanned my face with his eyes, trying to find out what could be disturbing me.

All I could see in those hazel eyes was care and love, filled with passion. Loving the wrong person can be a huge mistake. He is unlucky to have a rapist and ruthless man as his father.

"What is troubling you, baby? Please tell me, I promise to do whatever I can, just to make you smile" he purred and cupped my jaw, caressing my cheeks with his other hand.

I chuckled and hugged him tightly.

"I was just lamely scared about that vampire that Lola made a deal with; don't you think he might come back for you? That's my fear. I won't want to lose you" I lied meekly, while sneering from behind and rolling my eyes at his body around me.

Recalling the cruelty of his father made me so angry that I was feeling irritated at hugging his son, Torian.

"Are you underestimating the strength of this pack? There is a reason why we are respected. It's because my father is a real beast, one that is so powerful and undefeatable!. We also have thousands of warriors who were well trained by my father. That vampire can never step foot here. The hunters would capture him instantly..." He assured me and pulled me from the hug to look into my face.

"If that fool called Lola hadn't saved the vampire, he should have been our prisoner now. After escaping slightly, he won't have the balls to return" Torian added with a smug look that showed how proud he was of the prowess of this pack.

"Yes, you are right!" I squeaked and laughed. His face brightened at my happiness and he kissed my lips while I tugged at his brown, messy hair that curled around his head, the fringes over his forehead, giving him a hot and sexy appearance.

It's a shame that such cuteness would fade away so quickly.

"Let's get prepared and get to school fast, I can't wait for everyone to see that I am the new Luna. They might still think you had anything to do with that monster named Lola. Let's go to school so you will announce me to them all!!!" I chirped, with a little leap of excitement.

"I won't hesitate to do that. When I rejected Lola as my mate, I automatically took you as my second mate, My Luna, who would sit beside me on that throne and rule over the Blue Moon Pack!" He grinned, and my cheeks flushed at how enticing those words sounded in my ear, even when it was all trash for me.

That's the best thing that could happen to any lady. Like, that is every lady's dream. To be not just the Luna of the pack, but also the mate to Torian, who could pass as the most handsome and sexy guy ever seen. But I'm not interested in any of that; I just want to get into the Royal Pack House, so I can complete my deadly mission.

"Let's go eat, and I hope that bastard, Lola, is ready." Torian snorted, and it came at me like a flash.

I just recalled what happened before we left for the bath. Lola had strangely seen who I was. I felt it, and figured it out from her eyeballs. She had also smelled my scent and found out I was a demon, but I also hoped she had heard my warning. I won't spare her if she does anything to stop me.

Last night, I noticed she has a special ability, and that really irked me to the core. Seeing her bear all the torture with a groan all of a sudden came like a slap to my face. My instincts made me know she was turning to something powerful, which I can't explain. I awoke this morning as well, and when I saw her come in to sweep the room, my heart became strangely heavy with fear.

The Lola I was seeing looked so different, and radiated an aura of fierceness and strength from within her, even when she looked unkempt and malnourished.

I felt the urge to ask her where she got such unique prowess, but I couldn't as that would make her feel high about herself. She might have such a special ability, but the demonic magic and dark powers bestowed on me by the demon king are so great that I can kill her easily, but I am not killing anyone yet, not until I find out the secret to Alpha Darren's powers which made him undefeatable.

But it doesn't mean I will spare her if she makes any attempt to disrupt my plans.

Alpha Darren made my father his Beta to hide the fact that he committed that evil act of killing his mate. Little did he know we'd found out everything, and if he thought he would go scot free, then he must be dreaming.

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