Chapter 68- I Told You So

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September 1st, 2017:

I'd gone to the doctor's and as expected, they said there wasn't much I could do other than take pain medication if it hurt too much. They also recommended I rest, which to me seemed impossible since it was painful to lie down or sit for too long so I wasn't sure what meaningful rest I could actually get. So, I continued to train with the boys, though I took a few more breaks than usual. 

We had Seo Taiji's concert tomorrow. We had met Seo Taiji for the third time now and while he was a living legend in the K-pop industry, I couldn't help but feel like he was a little sleazy. The guy was married, had a kid, and yet I couldn't help but feel like he stared at the wrong areas for far too long. When we broke up and did our own thing on the stage, I also felt like he hung around me a lot more than was necessary, but that could've been my paranoia from past experiences. Other than that, he had done nothing wrong. He didn't say or do anything worse, it was just a vibe I didn't quite feel all that comfortable with. However, he was the founder of K-pop and I wasn't about to mention I was a bit uncomfortable and perhaps jeopardise our performance with him.

The physios had also strapped an ice pack to my back to help with the bruising. This, however, hadn't stopped me from making the usual cake for Jungkook's birthday, this time opting for some more expensive decorations.

"Thanks for the cake," Jungkook beamed once we'd turned the lights back on after surprising him late at night in their dorm after rehearsing all day for the Seo Taiji concert.

"How does it feel to not be a teenager anymore?" Hoseok asked, taking a piece of cake right from the whole cake itself.

"The same," Jungkook chuckles.

"Wow, this is really good Y/N," Jimin said, having done the same as Hoseok.

"And if you guys weren't animals, it would still look it," I huff laughing, "get yourselves plates and eat from your own slices".

"That just makes for more watching up," Seokjin shakes his head, going for a second bite.

"Eww, your saliva is on that fork," I say, stopping his hand from putting it back in the cake, "you guys are gross".

"We're sticking to our corners," Taehyung says, going for another bite, "don't worry".

"It's round, it doesn't have corners," I correct him, putting down my fork not wanting to touch the cake now.

"Okay Miss Sassy," Taehyung rolled his eyes, going to eat a slice of cake right in front of me in an attempt to make me jealous.

We ate the cake in silence, savouring it considering it was the only sweet we were going to have in a while.

"When did you go to sleep last night?" Hoseok asked Jungkook, "your light was on for a while".

"Like 4am," Jungkook answers, covering his mouth as he ate cake.

"Oh wait, did you beat the boss yet?" Taehyung asks him curiously.

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