Chapter 1

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The year is 1975 and Y/N is working at a record company. She is currently 21 and lives in the Isle of Man. As mentioned Y/N works for a record company which means she meets with a handful of different artists who on occasion make stops at the record company in Isle of Man. Her best friend and music partner was named Matthew. He was a little bit older than her which made him feel like an older brother. He was 24. 

A decent amount of people know about her town which is cool to her. Growing up she always was into listening to music and adored anything that went along with it. Today she had a band come in who caught her eye.

Bay City Rollers are currently on tour and have chosen to make a stop in Isle of Man. They had a couple of musical-based things they needed to work on midst tour. 


Today was a good day at the record company. We had a new group who would be making their way in. They had the name "Bay City Rollers" I thought it was cool because of the background I got on them. We were always given background information on the artists who would be coming into the studio. They had chosen this studio to do some work midst tour. It was March which meant spring was in the air which made everything more calm.

"We have the group coming in pretty soon," Matthew said.

"Okay, perfect. It is going to be nice to meet these guys in person and help them establish the work they would like to get accomplished," I said.

"They come from Scotland which means they are pretty local," Matthew said.

Some time would pass and Bay City Rollers would arrive and come inside.

"It is nice to meet you guys, welcome to the record company," I said.

Everyone introduced themselves alongside their names. 

"It is nice to meet you as well," Derek said.

I would bring them into the studio which shared the writing sections and recording sections.

"This looks like a rather big studio," Les commented.

"It is quite nice," Eric responded.

"What are we looking into doing today guys?" I ask but providing each member with a water bottle.

"We are looking to create a new piece of music which we could put out brand new for this tour," Eric said.

"Okay, sounds like it is a very doable project," I said.

"Y/N works rather quick when it comes to people and the things they would like to get done," Matthew said.

"Perfect then, this should be a smooth process," Alan commented.

"What kind of song are you guys looking into creating?" I asked.

"Well, we want something fun and unique. Maybe something that has not been done yet before," Eric said as he looked over at me.

"Okay, sounds like a plan," I said but looking back at him.

I could tell Matthew's eyes shifted to us and I could feel him staring.

"Alright, shall we get started?" Eric asked.

"Yeah," I replied but looking at the blank page in front of me.

Some time would pass in the studio.

We would converse about some ideas for a new song and eventually landed on creating a song called "Give a Little Love." 

"I think it is quite nice we have created a little love song," Woody said. 

"Let's take a break and come back in a few minutes to record the song," Les commented.

"I saw you guys had a vending machine, could we get some snacks from it?" Eric asked.

"Oh, we have other snacks you can pick from. Follow me," I commented but bringing them to our snack area.

Matthew brought me over while the boys were picking out some snacks.

"What is something wrong?" I asked but looking at Matthew.

"Did you not see the way you and Eric looked at each other?" Matthew asked.

"We just looked at each other, what about it?" I asked.

"You looked mesmerized," Matthew replied.

"I am in a relationship you know nothing is going to come about it," I said.

"People can be in relationships and have crushes. You have a little crush, don't ya," Matthew said.

For background I am in a relationship with a guy named Hawk. He is in pre-law and we have been together since sophomore year. He had sandy brown hair and his eyes were mismatched one green and one blue. 

I shook my head and returned to the boys. 

"You guys alright?" Derek asked.

"Yes, just some business to discuss," I said.

"Alright, then," Les commented. 

We would go back to record the song and get it finished by the end of the day. 

By the time we were done it was dark out and it was about 10pm.

"I am proud of all of the things we got done. I think we were successful in our works for the day," Eric said.

"You guys did a great job and we are so grateful we got to work with you," I commented.

"Same here," Woody commented.

"If you guys need anything we will be here," Matthew commented.

"Well, with the production of this new song we will be in town for about a week," Alan said.

"And we will be here for that whole time, of course," Matthew said.

We would part ways and me and Matthew would organize some things in the studio.

"You know you liked the way he looked at you," Matthew said.

"I am in a relationship and I am happy," I commented back.

"Are you really happy?" Matthew asked but looking at me.

I was taken back for a second. Was I happy?

"Yes, I am happy. Why else would I be in a long term relationship?" I asked.

"Because you might be afraid to adventure out and find something new," Matthew replied.

"It's not like that," I said.

"But the way you guys looked at each other," Matthew said.

"It doesn't matter. I have a man and I am happy, okay," I said.

"Fine, whatever you say. But, when you realize the truth I will be saying I told you so," Matthew said.

We would head home and enjoy our own evening's. I enjoyed some time with Hawk.

"How was your day honey?" Hawk asked but looking at me.

"It was good. I met the Bay City Rollers and had a good recording and writing session with them," I said.

We were standing in the kitchen making some tea for the evening. By this time it was around midnight.

"That is good. Were they nice people?" Hawk asked.

"Yes, they were wonderful people," I said.

Later on I would lay in bed and spend the rest of the late night thinking about life.

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